Saturday, July 27th, 10:10pm

23 2 0

"Gracious," I spin around to the voice. It's Andre stalking towards me after speaking with the doorman. "Preciosa senorita, do you have a ride home?" He stops a breath away towering over my short frame. "If I know Anna like I do, I'm pretty sure she hailed a taxi. Let me take you home." His authoritative tone leads the conversation.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I don't even know you. What if you're a creeper who will drop me off into the woods somewhere, or, or worse!" The words vomit their way out missing the brain gears grinding. He must think I'm a moron right now.

He tosses his head back and a burst of laughter erupts from within. "Meredith, I am a lot of things, but a creeper is not one of them." The illuminated foliage backdrop enhances the starburst of brown in his eyes. I bite the inside of my cheek attempting to feign the seductive aura he emanates. The bubbly buzz, a savage beast in my head, battles fraught with the sexy smile lurking on his face. Oh and those eyes. A delectable morsel of the finest chocolate. My head says no, but the betraying thump in my chest says yes. Taking a step closer, ugh why does he do that? It's unnerving. "I know your friend Anna. Do you think she would have invited you to a creepers home?" He lifts an eyebrow in question.

"Um? I forgot this was your home." I turn around admiring the immaculate landscape drawing me in as the moon draws water. He has a maddening air of wisdom. Point well made, Anna would never come tonight if she didn't think it was safe. Why am I even contemplating this decision?

"I take it you are pleased." He pushes, taking the compliment.

"It's beautiful," I reply breathlessly.

"Ah. and so are you." Here we go again.

"Thank you. I'm sorry to call it such an early night, but I've had quite a busy day and need to get home."

"Follow me." He grabs hold of my hand, not waiting for an argument, leading us along the cobblestone walkway around to the side of the building to what looks like a garage. We pass a few cars stopping at one funky looking gray thing. It's shiny, curvy, and sits like its butts in the air. A laugh sneaks out.

"What is that?" I ask forgetting to reign in my word ejection. Too much alcohol for sure.

He smirks reaching for the side door holding it open, "This, amor mío, is a car." I roll my eyes at his mockery reply.

Waiting for me to get situated, I respond, "No duh. What type?" He doesn't answer, only chuckles more closing the door. I take a moment to look over the dash and controls. It feels as if I just entered a spaceship. His door opens and he elegantly glides in. "You don't need to go out of your way. Shouldn't you be at your own party? I think there is some sort of rule you're breaking." His astute demeanor settles my wariness allowing my motor mouth free to continue.

He glances over before reversing the car, "You know you are very cute." Ugh what is it with these compliments? My gaze falls to my folded hands. "It's a 918 Spyder," he admits. Okay this is so far out of my league. He oozes wealth and although I have money, I'm thrown a little by his forwardness with it. "Now would be a good time to tell me where I'm going." He pursues starting the spider thing.

Some honky tonk blasts through the speakers. My eyes widen. Andre turned the music down without ever taking a finger off the steering wheel. Why would it surprise me this isn't fully loaded?

"What?" he asks sheepishly.

"Nothing," I turn away to look out my window smiling.

"Are you surprised?"

I shrug, "A little."

"Well, Miss Fitzgerald, I am full of surprises." I turn back to face him and there is definitely something hidden beneath those words. I continue to stare. Hopefully it booms confidence. He doesn't tower only lifts his eyebrows. "Would you like to enlighten me on our destination?"

Sucking in a quick breath, I didn't know I was holding, "Oh, Redwood City. Take 82 to Carlos Avenue." He nods apparently familiar with the area. The thought is both exciting and scary. Will I ever see this Andre again? Wait! Do I want to? I fidget with my fingers, concerned, this is the first time I've had the unexplained anticipation since high school. Six years, I've done nothing but immerse myself in school and my career. There's been no time for more. I'm not sure there is now. Taking a deep calming breath, I clear the thoughts and close my eyes allowing the hum of his engine and liquor to relax my mental state.

"Meredith," his voice jolts me awake.

"A snail can sleep for three years." A chuckle clears the fog in my head and I jolt upright in the seat grabbing my clutch for security. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." I look at the dimly lit surroundings outside. It's recognizable. We're in front of my apartment. How did I allow myself to fall asleep in the presence of a stranger? And, more importantly, how did he find my apartment?

He holds up his phone. "I texted Anna for your address. The thought of waking a peaceful angel such as yourself is sinful." Heat rises to my cheeks. Flattery comes so natural. "Although, I'd like to know about the sleep patterns of snails," he laughs. My eyes grow wide. Did I really say that out loud?!

I smile shyly unbuckling my seatbelt, "It's a silly game I play with my uncle." I start to scoot out, "Thank you for the ride home, Andre. I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this."

Placing a hand on mine, he stops me from moving further. His firm grasp brings my hand to his lips. I'm mesmerized by the gesture and can't look away. Goosebumps rise at the crazy feelings this man brings out. "Nonsense. No need to thank me and please stop thinking you're an," he pauses waiting for my eyes to meet his, "inconvenience. Until we meet again, Meredith."

Smiling politely, I step out closing his car door and began to walk up to the stairwell. Turning slightly, I sneak a glance to see if he's still there. With my thoughts confirmed, I raise my hand to wave goodbye. The windows are tinted dark giving me the disadvantage of knowing whether he saw me wave or if he waved back.

Running up the stairs, I rush into the apartment and lock the door behind. I slip out of the mile-high heels and begin to strip out of the skimpy dress heading to my room. The envelope sits where we left it earlier. I walk swiftly back to the kitchen and snatch it. Once I'm back in my room, I toss it on my briefcase.

I don't want to know what's in there right now. Nothing will change by morning. Knowing I can't take anything else today, I wash up and head for bed. My whole day was a contradiction of circus play.

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