Saturday, July 27th, 7:30 pm

23 2 0

Anna scoots me out of the apartment, half past seven. I told her it's already getting close to my bedtime. Her retort was nothing kind nor worth repeating. Her mood is better after getting a call from Jeremy earlier, so that's a plus. They are so irritatingly good together, but I'm happy for them. Apparently Jeremy apologized repeatedly. After firing a teacher within the first two weeks of school, the schools administration switched one of his classes and he's been buckling down trying to get ahead with lessons. He told her he's worried he won't be able to get them caught up before Thanksgiving. If Jeremy is anything, he's determined. It may lead to more lonely nights for Anna, but he'll get his students up to speed in no time.

The taxi necessitates a number of turns off the freeway. Steeper embankments taunt the gravitational pull of the windy road. It's not a far drive, distance-wise it seems. We haven't been traveling long. Maybe ten-fifteen minutes. Homes light up in the distance hidden by canopy of trees. A tucked away treasure on the foothills of the bay area.

The car slows passing rows of shiny cars parked along the side of the road. The driver stops at a driveway announcing our arrival, and Anna slips out after paying. I hesitate. Two options come to mind: return home where I will cave into temptation glossing over the other letters or subject myself to a room full of people I barely know all for the love of alcohol. I choose the latter. It may have something to do with my infuriating friend tapping her shoe waiting.

Stepping out, my eyes rise mesmerized with the Spanish architecture. Its beauty, a stark contrast to the inside of our city cabs. Inhaling a deep cleansing breath, my gaze continues to open, midnight blue sky. In the city, stars disappear with light pollution, but here they aren't masked. Twinkling brightly above.

Anna's heels echoed through the night as she approaches and loops her arm in mine. "Come on. We've got some man candy to ogle." Our heels synchronize along the cobblestone as we move closer to the entrance and further from my worries. I hope.

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