Sunday, July 28th, 4:00 pm

22 2 0

The buzzer for the chicken obnoxiously rings through the kitchen and living room. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I tell it.

"That's what she said," Anna quips. I narrow my eyes at her like really?

"Where's Jeremy? Is he still coming?" My nose consumes the delicious fumes taking flight once I open the lid to stir. The chicken is caramelized perfectly. Anna busies herself setting the plates around the beautiful bouquet, covering all of the hues on the color wheel, she picked up at the supermarket this morning.

"Yeah, he said he had some papers to finish grading for tomorrow and should be here soon." Anna says hopeful.

"Good. I'm glad things are getting back on track with you guys."

"Me too. I think it was stupid PMS." She pulls on a drawer and starts plucking silverware out. "I think Nature can be really cruel sometimes. Did you know elephants, humpback whales and humans are the only mammals that go through menopause? Like seriously? Why couldn't God have made me a dog or a lion?"

I have to stop and close my eyes to just digest her crazy after setting the salad on the table. "You know just because they don't go through menopause doesn't mean they don't go through pre-menopause."

"Uh, sure sounds like it to me. Menopause, pre-menopause. Same word in both. I'm game." She conceals when the doorbell rings. I smile-Uncle Theo.

I rush to the door throwing it open, "Good evening darling," he engulfs me in a hug. I linger for a minute enjoying the closest thing to home. He squeezes me tight understanding why I always tend to hold on a bit longer.

"I hope you're hungry," I say grabbing the bag he brought. "Ooh, what's this?"

I roll the bottle until I can read the label. "Here, let me pour us a glass of this delicious Aliagano," he takes the bottle to the kitchen, uncorks it and slowly poured three glasses.

"So Anna just told me she wants to be a dog or lion," I say bringing the glass to my lips.

Uncle Theo looks lost. "Oh, and why is that?" he takes a sip.

"Because they don't go through menopause so she also things they don't go through pre-menopause." Uncle Theo nearly spits out his wine.

"Mmm, this is good," the warm liquid slides down my throat after assaulting my taste buds in a wonderful, exhilarating way.

Anna nods in agreement. "Oh yes, very good indeed." We ignore my uncles uncomfortable silence knowing how much it makes him want to shrivel up inside. We smile at each other. It's fun to ruffle his feathers every once in a while.

"Let's eat before it gets cold," I suggest. Anna walks over to her phone checking for messages, most likely from Jeremy when there's a knock at the door. She smiles promptly swiftly bringing her man inside. They kiss, he gives her flowers, blah, blah, blah. "You guys make me nauseous."

"That's fine, I'll eat your portion of whatever this is. Smells yummy," Jeremy walks over giving me a hug and then shaking hands with my uncle.

"Good to see you, son," they do that male hand shake with a one arm hug thing. "How's teaching?"

"A lot more than I bargained for this year, I'll tell you that." Jeremy says while taking a seat next to Anna, no doubt reaching for her hand under the table.

I start to deliver portions of the salad as everyone slowly hands me their bowl.

"Why is this year harder?" Jeremy has been a constant for our Sunday dinners with Uncle Theo for a long time. My uncle treats Anna like she's his niece, so it only makes sense for him to be vested in who she's dating.

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