Sunday, August 4th, 3:50 pm

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"Hello, darling," Uncle Theo leans down kissing my cheek. "Brought you something," he hands me a bottle of wine and moves on to hug Anna.

"How was the drive?" I ask hating that he lives in San Diego and takes this drive every Sunday. I worry more on his return home and he's accustomed to sending me a quick text once he arrives to calm my worries.

He opens the oven for a peek whistling, "Not too bad. This smells absolutely divine, Meredith." I blushed at the compliment. Door bell rings again. This time Anna thankfully answers of course without checking who it is first. Typical Anna.

Uncle Theo distracts me, "Are you being careful?" I nod in reply. "Good, we haven't found out who's sharing information, but you can't be too careful." He inhales loudly as I reach for silverware. "Any more letters?" I nod not wanting Anna to overhear this conversation. She's too busy playing kissy face with Jeremy.

"I'll get it for you before you leave." I end the conversation. It's been six years with this name. I've grown into it. When a letter comes under another name, one I'm eerily familiar with and I associate with a haunting memory rather than with my loving family, I take notice. What Uncle Theo doesn't know is where the letter came from: ADX Florence, Colorado. I have no plans on sharing that information right now and spoiling this meal and company. I place the steak, potatoes and asparagus on platters moving them to the table with serving utensils.

Uncle Theo begins to work the wine open when there's a knock. I glance around. Anna and Jeremy are engrossed in a conversation in the family room leaving me to answer. Checking, I see a familiar cowboy hat and smile. Opening the door, he removes his hat leaning down placing a chaste kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful." He hands me another bouquet of daisies. I bring my nose to the flowers and inhale their sweet scent. A loud pop causes me to jump. I step away and allow Andre in. He places his hat on the side table. I'm noticing that he takes care in his hats and for some odd reason the pride sends flutters flipping my stomach.

"Daisies, Meredith?" Uncle Theo's eyebrows are drawn in concern.

"Uncle Theo this is the third time he's given her flowers and each time it's been daisies." Anna offers up. I try to give her a warning look but she conveniently ignores me. Uncle Theo looks between her, the daisies and me in deep thought.

He takes a deep breath placing the bottle on the table stepping around, "You must be Andre," he offers his hand.

"Yes sir," he accepts the hand returning it with the same amount of vigor. "And you must be Uncle Theo. Meredith talks about you all the time," he smiles at me.

My eyes grow to saucers, "I do not!" Andre chuckles along with Uncle Theo who mumbled something inaudible. "Well, this is getting cold, shall we?" I present the table. Jeremy and Andre's introductions are nothing short of the male rendition of a hand shake and then guy talk.

Normally, it's four at the most for Sunday dinners so I added a chair on the end for my uncle to sit at the head of the table with Jeremy on one side and Andre on the other. Maybe I should've rethought the layout. Putting Andre in such a vulnerable seat may not be the best idea. We say grace and begin digging in.

"Did you cook this?" Andre asks genuinely. Jeremy slices his steak and shares it with Anna.

"Yes," I smile as he watches Jeremy and Anna. I offer Anna the asparagus which she takes giving Jeremy a shovel full before passing it to my uncle. "It's pan-seared rib-eye steak and using the fat rendered behind, I seared the smashed paprika-spiced potatoes to crispy, golden perfection." I place my napkin in my lap to stay busy.

I continue to watch Jeremy share with Anna, the thought is touching. Next thing, Andre is doing the same ending with a wink just for me. "Thank you," I utter bashfully unsure how I should respond to something as private as this. Sneaking a glance at Uncle Theo out of the corner of my eye, his warm smile is approving. Am I the only one fighting this attraction?

Uncle Theo asks Anna and Jeremy about work in the meantime I'm flying like a cannonball falling to the earth. He's quickly becoming stitched into the fabric of my life and for the first time I might be okay with it. Especially witnessing Uncle Theo's approval. He and Anna's acceptance of choices in my life are important as they are all I have left.

"So, Andre I hear you're an attorney as well."

"Yes sir, I'm an associate with Ruthesburg," he says after wiping his mouth with his napkin. I take the opportunity to fill my mouth with a bite of the steak he sliced just for me. I think I might be in trouble. Weird how once you admit something to yourself or accept it, the appeal and ideas rush in like a freight train and surprisingly I'm welcoming them with arms open wide.

"Impressive, son," my uncle says and now I'm coughing from the lodged steak.

"You okay?" Anna kicks me from under the table. I reach for my water and try to take a sip. Andre's hand is on my back soothingly. Heat overtakes my skin at the connection.

The fit finally calms. I narrow my eyes at Anna. "You know no where in Heimlich instructions is their shin kicking," I take another sip while the males laugh. I cut my eyes to Andre thinking I have the most persuasion with him. He's covering his mouth with his napkin. "Are you okay?" He tries hard to be concerned rather than jerk like the rest.

"I thought distracting you would help," Anna shrugs.

"I'm frightened when you have children," Uncle Theo adds. I mutter me too.

Conversations exchange and dinner goes by quicker than I anticipated. Everyone was talkative and willing to answer questions or comment with their opinions on the upcoming football season. I place my hand on my stomach too full to move. I glance at Anna who raises an eyebrow. I return with an eye roll.

"Thank you for dinner, Meredith," Andre says laying a hand on my thigh. I gasp. His gaze is searing.

"Yes, this was delicious," Jeremy adds. "Five stars darling," comes from my uncle. "Better than McDonald's," Anna says before standing to grab my plate. I stand to help, "Nope, sit. J and I have this right?" she looks over her shoulder causing Jeremy to stand quickly agreeing wholeheartedly.

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