Wednesday, July 31st, 5:45 am

19 2 1

I don't cut my run short even though I know I'll get a good cardio workout tonight. I battle over my attraction to Andre. I've never been in love. And though I never wanted anyone else to love in my life, the moment Anna showed up, it was impossible not to happen. And Uncle Theo has been there all along. I've loved them and haven't lost another. But a love interest? I almost stumble at the thought. Not love. I can't rightfully support that. No, I need to keep my distance even though it may never lead to love. I can't chance that ever happening.

I walk into work on jello legs. I may have gotten lost in my head this morning and forgot I was running because I wound up further than I intended. Thankfully, I'm used to challenging myself so it didn't kill me to run back.

"Hello handsome," I greet Mr. Finn. His fiery fins dance back and forth. I laugh and toss him a few flakes. Again, he removes them quickly from the surface. "Such a hungry little hippo you are."

I go about the ordinary things to get my day started. While my computer fires up, I walk into the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee.

Rosie's grandmother is a delight. She's a little thing with a loud mouth. Kind of reminds me of Anna. "Good afternoon Mrs. Pagan. Thank you so much for meeting with me this afternoon," I shake her hand. Her smile is warm.

"Anything for my little Rosie," she replies.

"Where is Rosie, right now?"

"Inside. I figured it would be best if I got her settled down to start on assignments she's missing while we talked."

"Sounds like you're good for her." Her eyes glisten at my comment. "Let's," I look around for a bench, "Let's have a seat over here," I lead the way to the park bench nestled under a large tree in the school courtyard. I lift my sunglasses with the tree blocking the sun.

"So I take it you're interested in getting custody of Rosie?" I want to confirm before moving on.

"Most definitely. Those days in foster care nearly killed me. I don't want her to ever feel as if she's abandoned." Her accent gets thicker as emotions begin to overtake her. I nod.

"Okay, there are a few documents I'll need you to sign. The hearing is scheduled for the 21st. Will you be able to make it?" she nods in agreeance so I move on. "There are a couple of things the court requires when working through guardianship. One they'll want a background check." She puts a hand on my arm stopping me.

"What do you mean a background check?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime involving minors?" I tilt my head gauging her reaction. She quick to say no. "Very good. Then we'll run that. I'll also need a copy of your birth certificate and social security card."

Ms. Pagan stands, I follow walking around to face her. She has a pained expression with her fist to her mouth. "Ms. Pagan, what is it?" She turns with unshed tears.

"I can't."

I put my hand on her arm trying to understand. "I'm sorry, what do you mean you can't?"

She looks heavenward as if they'll give her pointers. She turns facing me, "I think we're going to need to sit for this." She ushers me back to the bench. Once settled she begins.

"This is complicated and hard to tell anyone. Please bare with me," she drops her gaze to her lap where she's playing with her fingers. My mom was born in 1931," she begins unexpectedly with that information, "She was three when men stormed through the home gathering the family. They told them they were going to Mexico." I reach into my purse searching for a tissue. I hand her the small packet, "It was during the Great Depression. They were told they looked Mexican so they had to leave. I wasn't born yet, but the stories shared generations later was that jobs were reserved for white people and in order to do so, they deported a million, maybe more, people to Mexico." I jump in shock. "More than 50% of them were true citizens here," she pauses gathering strength. I've seen myself do the exact same thing.

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