Monday, July 29th, 8:00 am

19 2 0

Hiding behind shades, I slip into my regular parking space squeezed between a black SUV and another SUV, but this one is red. My blue car appears small and out of place, just as I do.

Things in hand I step out immediately consumed with the pungent air. Instinctively I wipe my nose and shut the door clicking the fob sending echoes over the busy traffic outside. It's a numb walk to the elevator that will take me to my office. Sleep may have come, but it was fitful. The battle between reality and dreaming eliciting chaos. Chaos of the subconscious is a disease of the mind. I should've gone for a run this morning, but didn't have any interest when my alarm went off. I just laid there staring at the ceiling fan. Counting the blades gave me something to do.

I plop in the chair behind my desk not bothering to set anything down. Blindness circles the things I don't want to see. I'm sinking into a deep well of doubt. Doubt that I should be honest with Anna. Doubt that Anna will forgive me if I do. Doubt that my instincts to not read the letter was the right choice. Doubt can suck it today. I don't have any more room for it.

Mr. Finn swims quickly back and forth in his bowl in greeting. "Hello to you," I say, removing my sunglasses, dropping my bag, and going for the canister of food. "Looks like you were busy eating your weekend block," I say seeing that he enjoyed the slow feeder. He attacks the fresh flakes pretty much telling me the slow feeder sucks. I laugh thinking how could a fish have such an interesting personality. "Okay, have fun mister. Time for mommy to work."

I place my laptop on the desk and slowly unload the rest of my items. Mindlessly the computer comes to life and I open the file I'm putting the pieces together in. Last week I made lots of progress. Now I need to dig into each key piece and figure how to circle it back to closure.

"Good morning," Lexi walks in setting a cup of Joe on my desk.

"You didn't have to get that, I was heading in soon," I reassured her, but I'm grateful so that I don't have to be around people.

She brushes my comment off with a swipe of her hand. "Nonsense. You're running later than usual so I figured you'd need it." She starts to walk out, but stops short, "Oh, don't forget meetings in about twenty."

I lift my head in surprise. The clock on my computer confirms. "Okay, I'll be there and thank you for the coffee. I appreciate it." It's our weekly meeting to go over the cases we're working on and an opportunity to seek advice from others.

I take a quick sip opening the case. Twenty minutes? That's enough to get started.

The police report states a call came in at approximately 3:50pm on June 3rd. An Officer Durk, a veteran cop in Oakland, responded to a possible shooting. Once he arrived, he radioed for ambulances stating there were multiple victims. At the crime scene, Officer Durk confirmed four dead bodies and one alive but with serious injuries. Medical response quickly transported a 6 year old female by the name of Rosie Santo to the hospital where she sought treatment for her injuries. The apartment building where the crime was committed was home to Rosie and one of the others killed. The area was closed off and the crime scene investigators were called in to collect evidence.

I move onto the profile of Rosie's dad. Report states he's been in and out of rehab finally clean for the last six months and almost the same amount of time, he's held a job at General Muffler until recently he was found in possession of a mixture of cocaine and heroin and an unregistered firearm. He's been arrested and awaiting trial. The fight of cleaning up streets is getting harder when the demand is there. Add the lack of police in the area due to the $58 million corruption scandal, there's not enough police to stop the city running violently out of control.

My heartbeats racing for this poor child stuck in the center of danger and possibility she'll become another victim of the drug trade temptation. Quickly, I run through the moms profile.

Stuck in my head, the knock on my door is jarring. I jump hitting the mouse sending it flying across the desk. "Come in," I say trying to get myself together.

The door flies open with Anna sauntering in. "Yo, what'cha doing?" She plops into one of the two chairs in front of me.

Still fixing things back to the original state on my desk, "Working!" I gesture at the mess. Papers were everywhere before. Now they're everywhere without rhyme or reason. That I don't like.

"No duh, Einstein."

"Meredith," Lexi walks in, "what happened to you this morning?" she picks up some items rearranging them neatly. I sneak a peek at Anna where she sits with a knowing look. "Yes, Meredith. What happened this morning?"

I roll my eyes at her taunting. "Nothing." Lexi turns to Anna with a hand on her hip. "She missed the morning briefing." Anna's eyes grow wide like saucers. I sit back in the chair making myself comfortable. This is going to take a minute.

"Our Meredith missed a meeting?" Anna says mockingly. "Yes, she did. She was also later than usual." Lexi adds to the puzzle.

"Ladies, if you wouldn't mind talking somewhere else, I'd greatly appreciate it." I toss out sarcastically. Anna holds up a finger at me, "So what are you thinking?" she asks Lexi as if I'm not in the room. "Hello?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. She clearly came off this morning. What did she do this weekend?" Lexi parks her rear on my desk. Mr. Finn starts swimming frantically angry with her choice of color today. I smile watching in fascination as my fish speaks his mind quietly. They're not bothering to include me in their conversation about me, so Mr. Finn and I can have this conversation without them.

Catty, I know.

"...she met someone," I caught the last part of Anna's sentence and now wish Mr. Finn would've given me more than a one-sided conversation. Lexi bends forward, "Met someone?" there's a scariness to how happy she sounds at the thought.

"Uh huh. And she spent-" I slam my hand on the desk immediately apologizing to Mr. Finn. "Enough Annalise!" she has the audacity to look emotionally wounded. I can't work all of this out in my head. I don't need anyone putting more words into them.

"A little touchy," she huffs while the image of Rosie lying on the sidewalk outside her home haunts my mind. For how long has she been in danger of ruthless violence? It pains me for a child to be in a situation they have no control over. "I need to work," I voice harshly.

I take a deep breath, "Anna, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I rest my cheeks in my hands and wait.

"I just wanted to pop in quickly. I had an appointment around the corner and thought, my goodness, I should be an awesome friend and surprise you." She looks down and inspects her nails.

I smile, "Well, that is nice. You know I love to see you." Lexi takes her cue to leave.

Once the door shuts, Anna leans forward, "What happened last night?" she asks, her question catching me off guard.

"What do you mean?" a frog suddenly shows up in my throat.

She chews on her lip for a moment, "Well, you never came out after Uncle Theo left."

I give her a half shrug, "I was tired and figured I'd give you and Jeremy some time by yourselves since it's been a while." I smile genuinely. Honestly, I would've done that anyway. I know how much she's missed him.

"That's nice, but Jeremy is part of your life too. I don't want you to go hide so that we can have time. I'll take him to my room and ravish him if that's needed," theres a gleam in her eye. I pick up a pen and throw it at her.

"Stop it. What you and Jeremy do, is your business. Sharing is not caring in this situation." I finish resting back in the chair.

Anna laughs tossing the pen on top of the desk. "It seems you're good, so I'll leave you be with whatever this," she pulls a Vanna White sweep, "is."

"Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you after The Range tonight?" I question not sure of her plans.

"Jeremy asked if I'd come by for dinner tonight," she rubs her hands together with mischief a plan cooking in her brain. "Don't wait up," she sings leaving the door open as she leaves.

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