Sunday, August 4th, 9:20 am

8 1 0

I wake to a smile all thanks to a gorgeous man in a cowboy hat. Yesterday ended too early and not early enough. He makes me smile. He makes my thoughts trail off, hunting my brain for a word that could adequately describe my feelings. I luxuriate in my bed going over the way he looked at me, spoke to me and most of all was kind to me. He opens doors for women. He is attentive. He is fierce and powerful when he pursues something he wants. He is attractive. I like him. Fine, I said it. Of course it's to myself and only in my head. I can't admit something like that to Anna. She'll go wild with it. No, I need to wait and feel this out. It's too new. We could still be friends. Do friends kiss? That kiss was brain zapping and made my legs jello. If he hadn't had an arm around me, I may have fallen into a puddle.

Thankfully Anna spent the night at Jeremy's so I didn't get the million questions when I got home last night. Yes, last night. He was a proper gentleman who couldn't send me home without feeding me first. The thought makes me laugh. Since he surprised me with the vineyard tour, I told him I get to pick where we eat. His face screwed up when I navigated him to my favorite pizza place. He wound up enjoying it and letting me know it's his favorite pizza so far. Of course, I asked him when the last time he ate pizza. His reply was shocking: months. I cannot imagine not having pizza at least once a week. Those delicate taste buds are no match for me because I'm going to share all of my favorite sinful foods.

I chew on my lip realizing I plan to see him again. Change is in the air. I roll over smiling and close my eyes exhaling. Maybe, just maybe I can do this.

I jump out of bed remembering Andre is coming over for our Sunday dinner. Oh no, no, no... Why did I invite him? He's going to meet Uncle Theo. Oh god, I speed into the kitchen to start the coffee maker and check to see if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean. Thankful, I whirl around taking in the living room. It's clean, but perhaps a quick run through with a rag and vacuum just in case I'm missing some particle of dust. Granted, he saw this place yesterday and the night before. How embarrassing that was. Why did I have to lose my mind and blackout in front of him? He was in my bedroom. And this is the first time I'm digesting this? The thought gives me goosebumps. When I'm not with him, I want him but fight the feelings. When I'm with him a fantasy where he's my prince charming plays havoc. I've never thought I'd have a prince, those things don't exist in my world. Villains yes, but no prince.

I grab my coffee along with my cookbook and scour for the perfect recipe. Fingering the pages, nothing pops out right away. I close it and grab another searching again. The lock fidgets with an Anna storming in after.

"Hey you," she says dropping her keys in the bowl next to the door along with her purse. "I need caffeine," she says moving towards the Keurig to get her fix. She turns around crossing her arms leaning against the counter. "So how was your date yesterday?" She leans forward whispering, "Is he back there?" she nods her head in the direction of my bedroom.

My eyes pop out. "No silly!" I slap the counter, "I came home at a very reasonable hour," I pause for effect, "Unlike someone else." I lift an eyebrow in question.

She turns around putting her fixings in the luxurious aromatic fuel. Clanking the spoon in the sink, she stalks around the island sitting next to me. "So no wedding bells?"

I smack her arm, "Stop it!"

She picks a stemmed flower, "These are nice," she says bringing it to her nose, "And new." She leaned her head to the side batting her eyelashes at me as if the flower is Andre.

"You're sick." I dismiss her and go back to my search. She pulls the previous cookbook scouring like me. I close the one I'm going through defeated. I lower my head onto my arms. "Nothing is popping out," I groan. "I'm going to need a miracle to pull this off." I lift my head, "How am I supposed to make dinner knowing Uncle Theo and Andre are going to be in the same room, Anna?" I rub my eyes wondering how bad this train wreck is going to be.

"Here," Anna pushes the first cookbook in front of me. It's simple and perfect. You can't ruin this." She shoulders me trying to rifle a reaction.

With the recipe set, I make a list and start my day.



With dinner started I move on to the next phase.

Shower. Shave. Exfoliate. Moisturized.

Moving through my closet, I search for something that makes me feel beautiful but doesn't scream 'take me now'.

"What cha doing?" I jump at the sound of Anna. She's leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed with a knowing look. I turn around back to my hung clothes, but holding my towel tighter. "Someone's taking a little extra time for another someone," she reaches around pulling a navy crop dress. "This. Wear this, it's beautiful and matches his eyes." She smiles pushing it up against my body. "Winner, winner, chicken dinner," she starts to walk away yelling over her shoulder, "Don't you dare change that dress!"

I eye the dress in the mirror biting my lip and study the reflection. I smile with anticipation. Giddy, I drop the towel and start putting on undergarments, then the dress. I spin in front of the mirror and enjoy the light feel of the skirt swishing back and forth. A light amount of eyeshadow and liner is applied before mascara. I pull back and look myself over. A smile slips out again. I almost don't recognize the happy person in the reflection. My skin tingles as I realize I haven't taken this much care into getting ready in a long time. Actually, I can't remember. Maybe graduation. Maybe.

Checking on the steaks, I close the oven and add asparagus to the steamer that I had left in the sink from washing them. The paprika-spiced potatoes are crispy and golden to perfection. I check the time, three-fifty. My hands begin to shake.

"Damn girl, you can cook," Anna states rounding the hallway. She side steps me lifting the lid on the potatoes, "Mmm, I can't wait to eat." I smack her away reaching into a cupboard for plates.

"Hurry, set the table," I hand off the stack of dishes.

I pause, panic setting in when the doorbell rings. "You gonna get that?" Anna says noticing my rigid stature. Taking a deep breath, I run my fingers down my dress and check the peephole. I swing the door open bright eyed.

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