Wednesday, July 31st, 4:55 pm

22 2 1

The search through the libraries terminal was limiting, frustrating and yielded dead-ends. I sifted through case law and statues hoping to find a flicker of hope in legislative history. I have a few articles photocopied, with a nice fee attached, that caught my eyes. There were also two cases that might be helpful which I plan to dig further into tomorrow. Unfortunately, they were closing and I'm meeting Stephanie at the Range.

The beautiful rush hour traffic drones on at a snail's pace. I roll down the window to let in fresh air and instantly regret the motion closing it back. Fumes from exhaust fill my car eliciting a slight headache. I punch Anna's contact.

"Hello?" I ask when there's no response. "Hello?" I'm about to hang up when her voice blasts through the car.

"You there? I accidentally put you on mute when I answered." She laughs at herself. Oh, my crazy friend.

"You're a dork!"

"Where are you? It sounds loud."

"Well, I'm currently boxed between a semi and a jacked up truck blaring honky tonk thinking this is Texas trying to get out of the city." I deadpan.

Her laugh returns, "Oh you are in heaven, then!" she shouts wanting to pluck my nerves.

"Very funny, Anna."

"How's the grandma?"

"You would love her. She's so stinkin cute, but I'm worried. I was actually wondering if Dayanara about something. Are you still at work?"

"Yeah, but she's not here and I'm fleeing the scene soon," she booms.

"You know people don't say things like 'fleeing the scene' unless they're fleeing from a crime," I explain happy traffic started moving faster than twenty miles an hour.

"If only you knew. You'd think this was a crime scene too." She deliberates.

"I'll send her an email tonight. Are you and Jeremy doing anything tonight?"

"He's bringing over takeout and figured we'd watch a movie. He can't stay late, but I'm happy I'm seeing more of him." She sighs.

"Good. I'm happy for you."

"Are you really going to the Range again?"

"Yeah, I'm heading that way if people will move out of my way!" I glare at the car that just tried cutting me off.

She laughs, "I forgot how much I don't like talking to you while you're driving. You're a menace."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"What are we five?" we both laugh. "I'll see you later tonight, okay?"

"Not if we're bow chicka wow wow, if you know what I mean,"

"I can't hear you, la, la, la, bye!" I sing and quickly disconnect the line.

My usual parking space is open gladly accepting occupancy of my little car. I glance around before opening the door. There's a large black SUV I've noticed before, but only recently. It's the one that was here last night. I wonder if it belongs to the creepy man. I need to remember to ask Sergeant about him.

Fredich waves once I'm through the door, "Three days in a row! Wow, what happened to the days we say you maybe twice a week?" he flips a page of the magazine he's reading-or rather looking at. There seems to be more pictures than words that I can see from here.

I scan my card, "I guess I just miss you when I'm not here." I winked at him and go to the locker room. My phone pings with a message from an unknown number. I dismiss it and turn it off before entering the locker room. Probably wrong number.

RevengeanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora