Sunday, July 28th, 10:21 am

26 2 0

I wake up late. I mean, I can't remember the last time I slept past eight. For me that's sleeping in, but ten?

I toss the covers off, needing a glass of water to wash out the cotton fields that grew overnight in my mouth. My legs wobble once I put weight on them and then I bend at the waist catching my head from spinning off its axis.

I slowly emerge using the walls to guide me to the kitchen rather than my eyes. My toes curl at the transition from carpet to tile. Yes, I made it to the kitchen. I feel around for one of the bar stools at the island and slack into it. Just a few minutes it'll take for my head to subside and I'll get up. "Mer. MER!" I cover my ears and squint my eyes.

"Jeez Anna. You don't have to yell."

"Yeah, cause you responded the first couple of times." She points to my mouth, "You've got a little drool right there," she laughs and I swat her hand away.

"Can you tone it down a little and get me a glass of water, please?" I ask peeking through my fingers.

She tilts her head, her curious eyes cement me in place as I can tell her mind goes into overdrive. "Hmmm," she turns opening the cupboard retrieving a glass to only slam it closed.

Placing the glass in front of me she continues to stare. "You look like shit."

Cue my eye roll. "Jeez, thanks. Love you too." I lace my reply with sarcasm. She makes quick work of fixing us both a cup of coffee moving to the living room.

"Sooooo," she sings annoyingly, "what happened last night?"

The comment wakes me from the depths of fired brain cells, "What? Nothing," I stammer. I flop onto the sofa next to her forgetting my headache and I arrange a pillow so that it's laying on my lap acting as a shelf for my mug.

She holds up her cell phone showing a text from...oh no! "Oh yes, he texted me a few times," she teases.

"I told you, nothing happened." I take a sip of my coffee enjoying the taste so much more than the sprouted field I had in there before. "Why did he text you multiple times to get our address?"

"Only one of the texts was about our address." Her mouth transforms into a Cheshire cat. I truly don't like her sometimes. She's going to make me ask what the others are. I turn away pulling the scrunchy allowing my hair to fall from the restrictions of a ponytail. Anna clears her throat. I lean back. She's still smiling.


"Aren't you going to ask what the other messages were about?"

Shrugging, I answer light-heartedly not wanting to let on that the thought of Andre asking questions about me has my heart skipping a beat. Oh, don't be fooled. I want to know, but at the same time I don't. Does that even make sense? Omg, I'm talking to myself.

"Mm-hmm..." She eyes me peculiarly.

Sighing heavily, "Fine. You win. What did he say?"

"Oh, now you want to know?" I take the pillow in my lap and whack her over the head with it. "Jeez, no need to get violent." She reins in her giggle. "Well, for one..."

"Just tell me already!" I slapped a hand down on the sofa cushion.

Her wicked smile returns. "Stop interrupting me. I'm having way too much fun with this." She sets her mug on the slab of tree made into a coffee table in front of us. Swiveling her body towards me, she places an elbow on the back of the sofa and leaned her head into her hand. "He's interested."

I quickly look down at my coffee. "Don't look away. You always avoid convos like this. Please let me enjoy something like this with my best friend for once," she sighs turning serious, "I know there is a reason you've erected these impenetrable walls you've got going on, but don't you think it's time to maybe let go and try? You might find something you need, but didn't know." I take a sip to pass the moment where I'm supposed to respond. "Anyway. He didn't say he was interested in so many words." My smile falls. "He wanted to know if you were dating anyone."

Composed and cool as a cucumber, "He asked if I was dating someone?" I don't know why that sends my heart into a panic.

"Well he asked that and told me you were adorable when he tried to wake you." My breath catches, please don't say what I think you're going to say. Maybe telepathically she'll get the message.

"Oh, really?" I play it off smoothly.

"Yeah, apparently you educated him on snails suspended consciousness." She laughs as I grab another pillow and cover my face.

"Ugh, I can't believe I said that. Why does he want to know if I'm single?" For some odd reason I'd much rather change the subject to the 'single-not single' question rather than admit my embarrassment.

"Don't act like you're some ogre, Mer. Yes he asked and I, being the wonderful friend I am, made sure he knew you're single." She sways her shoulders gesturing with her hand to make sure I knew she was definitely the wonderful friend and punctuated a little more than necessary on the "you're single" part. My eyes bug out. "Oh, don't go getting scared. He's a good guy."

I groan for Anna and finish my coffee. The thought does send a sudden jolt of excitement to my heart.

"Alright. We've wasted over an hour, better get this place picked up t-minus four until Uncle Theo gets here." She gets up and placed her mug in the sink and leaves to shower.

He wanted to know if I was single. How can someone experience a kaleidoscope of emotions ranging from so many different angles over someone interested whether they are single or not? I don't understand these emotions nor do I understand if I like them or don't like them. Whatever it is I'm battling, its new. I'm used to: work, training, and shooting. I don't date.

I must've sat too long in my mind, Anna cutting off the shower pulls me out. Lamenting, I get up and start straightening up here and there. Honestly, there isn't much to do. Anna and I both aren't slobs. I wipe the counter, wash her mug, make myself another cup of coffee and I call the kitchen clean.

"What are you making for dinner?" Anna quips from her room.

"Ugh, I knew I forgot something. I was going to make my honey butter chicken, but I forgot to run to the store," I finish stepping into her room.

"That sounds so good right now!" she calms her excitement, "If you promise to go get a shower, I'll go shopping," she scratches her nose. Anna has the ability to switch moods in seconds from modest and empathetic to harsh and brash. It frightens me sometimes.

"Deal. The recipe is in the binder," turning to leave I realize I might brush my teeth before showering. Blah, I can't stand this. I'm never going to drink champagne again.

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