Saturday, August 3rd, 6:00 am

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I wake in panic. Memories flood my brain from last night. He doesn't want me going anywhere out of anyone's sight. He doesn't want me to go running in the mornings. He wants me to come clean with Anna now along with Mr and Mrs. Stanley. The facade I spent six years building is whittling away. It's the one thing I've had control over. It's almost laughable that Uncle Theo doesn't think I'm safe. Thankfully I got away with giving Anna and Andre a sanitized version that this has something to do with Rosie's case. I wish that were true. More than anything.

I peak over at the window, the sun is beginning to rise. The clock reads six. I snuggle back into the mattress, fluffing my pillow hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep. Closing my eyes an unfamiliar sound quickens my heart. I lay still trying to decipher the noise. It sounds like a snore. Jeez, is Anna here? I sit up to kick her tiny little ass out. I don't need a babysitter and I don't want her to think she has to watch over me. She has her own life. I often wonder if the demons in my life hold Anna back from having a happy life. Would me moving out be better for her?

I roll over settling back into my pillow watching my slack jawed friend catching flies and laugh. Anna stirs opening and closing her mouth tasting her flies. The thought only makes me laugh harder. I nudge her to stop her snoring. "Get off," she mutters before falling back into her peaceful slumber.

I lie there staring at the ceiling. Bored out of my mind I reach for my phone and open a meaningless game of Solitaire. Normally I'd be lacing up my tennis shoes but that simple luxury has been taken from me. So much has been taken away. Now I'm mad. I'm mad that I'm sitting back allowing the world around me to continue free to do whatever it is that makes them happy while I'm holed up. I toss the sheets off and rush around quite not to wake Anna.

I carry my tennis shoes outside closing the door softly until it clicks. I turn and sit on the top stair pulling on my shoes. Once they're laced, I find a playlist and set out to my freedom.

The crisp night air fills my lungs pushing through the transition of my faster pace. With a smile I continue.

Walking up to the apartment I'm startled by Anna sitting at the top step. What is she doing? "Anna?" I question concerned.

She lifts her head from her folded arms resting on her knees. Relief washes over her features and then the switch is flipped. "What the hell are you doing Mer? You know Uncle Theo said you can't go out like this. Andre carried your crazy ass to bed after you passed out! What if something happens?" She stammers.

I approach her slowly. Anna's moods can turn so quickly it can be frightening. Even for me. I raise a hand to her arm trying to reassure her I'm fine. She pushes it away, turns and storms into our apartment. I check my phone, eight-thirty nine. Lost in my head and run I didn't realize how long I'd been out. I follow her angry form.

"Anna, I'm sorry." I confess knowing nothing else is even worth saying.

She whirls around, "You can't put yourself in danger," she starts to cry. I reach her fast hugging her close. "Who's going to hold my hair back when I have one two many drinks or make me soup when I'm a snot nosed mess with the flu?" I laugh at the words she chooses to use. "Stop laughing at me," she pushes me away. "Seriously, Mer this is over the case you're working on right now?" I nod hoping to dispel any further inquisitions. "Please don't make me worry again." I lower my gaze to my lap at her request.

"I will try not to have you worry anymore. Is that okay?" I allege hoping she'll accept the olive branch.

She exhales loudly, "Fine. We have time for one show before you need to get ready." She turns to walk over to the sofa to only turn back lifting her eyes to mine, then narrowing them, "As your punishment, make us coffee." I noticed the hint of rebellion in her eyes before she continued to the sofa. And just like that, my calm version of Anna is back.

We spent the next hour watching a detective novel that went from book to film movies on Amazon. We tested our British accents getting better with each sentence. Maybe paragraph. We laughed at each other. She was Watson to my Holmes.

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