Sunday, July 28th, 7:40 pm

16 1 0

Uncle Theo follows me to my room, closing the door behind him. I reach under my mattress knowing what he was about to ask. Handing it over, "I didn't open it."

He nods inspecting both sides of it. "Do you mind?" he lifts it in the air, "Or would you rather I give it to my guys?"

"Does it matter?" I plop into the oversized chair in the corner. He studies me for what feels like forever.

He hunches on the edge of my bed leaning his elbows on his thighs as his finger slides under the seal. Carefully sliding the single sheet that's folded free. I sit in excruciating wait for him to unfold it. He glances up for a moment. I nod encouraging him to go on. His eyes lower moving back and forth with each line. The muscles in his jaw tighten and the one muscle on his right side starts to tick. He sits stoic except for the changes I pick up in his jaw. This is a longer one it seems. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Could he have found Jesus? He lowers the letter with one hand and reaches for the bridge of his nose with the other.

"That bad?" anxiety eclipses my thoughts. When he doesn't answer right away, I resolve nothing will change what happened and it's best to leave skeletons in the closet. I lower my knees scooting toward this strong man crippled in fear. "I've been living in the shadows for years, Uncle Theo. I try not to be scared all the time and I'm getting better. Please don't pay any mind to this," I swipe the single sheet that holds too much actus reus, it's weakening my rock.

"He found you once, he will find you again and this time you might not make it out alive." He whispers lifting his head, the painful expression tugs at my heart.

"No," my fingers crease the paper closing it for all eyes. "He hasn't come for me once in six years. I'm stronger now."

He jumped to his feet causing me to fall back, "Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?" he maneuvers around me to the window keeping his eyes peeled. "Let me remind you," he steps away from the window and levels his eyes with me. "He's a drug dealer, high in the business, he's an extortionist, organizes traffic throughout this country." He closes my drapes shunning the world behind them. I sit stunned in silence my stomach cramping. "He's a sociopath surrounded by people who fear him."

Dismissing what he says, "I'm a survivor, I like my odds," I conceal the growing throb in my head and stomach. Dinner doesn't taste so pleasant now.

I lift myself onto the bed willing away the darkness creeping into my thoughts. He shifts at the window, tight lipped. "You speak as if this is an individual, Meredith." He shakes the paper with his eyes boring into mine, "This is far bigger than the man mailing these. Consider it a movement of a very disciplined, organized group who willingly do whatever he wants because of fear. Fear for themselves. Fear for their loved ones if they don't obey." He grits his teeth through the last part.

I suddenly feel overwhelmingly lightheaded. "I can't live like that." I lower myself hugging my pillow. "What did I ever do to deserve this?" I cry.

He rushes to my side brushing my hair out of my face, "You didn't do anything. This isn't about you."

"But I'm paying the price. My whole family has. When will it be over?"

My uncle exhales loudly, unsure of the answer to my question. "Would you like to read this?" I shake my head vehemently.

"No. Just take it."

"Okay," he resolves to the fact that I prefer to be unaware.

"It's getting late and you have a long drive back." I need space to get my head confidently screwed back on.

"Don't worry about me. I'm worried about you and I don't want to leave you like this." His expression dulled.

"I'm fine but would like some time to get myself together before seeing Anna." I confess.

"You need to tell her. She's proved her loyalty and trustworthiness." He pleads.

"I'll think about it." I mumble, comatose setting in at the revelation.

"I love you darling. Please call me anytime. Dinner was very nice this evening. Sorry things turned south from this letter." I nod in response.

"Love you." I swallow the acrid taste my past brings.

He places a kiss on the top of my head, grabs the envelop and steps out closing the door quietly. Mind weaving, thoughts jostle to the surface from all directions like cattle moving toward the shoot to slaughter. I grab the covers, tugging them up and over my head. I squeeze my eyes terrified of the dark secrets I swore would never be exposed. Exposure only means reliving the events of the past.

Revelations are like windows into our true selves with the ultimate power to destroy all that we cherish most: for me, it's the girl I left behind. War rages on threatening collusion and the consequences that would follow.

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