Tuesday, July 30th, 6:19 pm

14 2 1

I unload several rounds into the target that I'm envisioning. Anna's words continue to roll through. "These past few days, I've seen a fire in your eyes that I never have before." What fire is she referring to? Granted, it's mostly anger...," Yes, at you Anna for being pushy. "...and frustration...," definitely for uninvited thoughts of Andre making their way in more than they should.

I reload, reset the target and begin again, only this time, I set the target back further almost to the back wall. I need to focus and challenging myself might be the only saving grace I have. First shot misses which only fuels me to press on. Finally, straight between the eyes. To the heart. To the mouth. To the groin. I've got this. The magazine is empty again. I reload once more, changing my target so that it's on the move. I miss three. Unacceptable. Reload, switch out targets. Again.

A hand rests on my shoulder once I run out of bullets. I turn, "Sergeant. How's the big daddy today?" I ask.

There's a gleam in his eye. "Great. What's this about?" he asks fingering through the previous fusillade targets hanging on the divider to my right.

"I'm off tonight," I confess refusing to give up.

"Hmm, would sparring help?"

I shake my head, "No Sir, my shoulders sore," I say rubbing it. "What time is it?" I haven't checked the time in a while.

He lifts his sleeve to reveal his watch, "Nine-thirty two,"

I laugh, "I think it might be time to go." I can't believe I've been shooting that long. It's like I'm a cub scout learning to how to use a shotgun for the first time.

"Go home and get some rest," he says giving me a half hug. I still have everything set out and as a precaution, I never turn my back to them.

Packing up my things and heading to the locker room, exhaustion settles in. Stephanie jumps out of nowhere startling me. "Hey," she says.

"Hey," I reply moving to my locker. I pull out my cell and keys, place items in and shut the door returning the lock in its rightful place.

I find her sizing me up when I turn to walk out. "Everything okay?"

"What did Sergeant say to you?" she asked taking a step closer.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"When he took you in his office. My dad had just spoken to him after I let him know I'm not allowed in the ring for a while." Ah, so that's what the yelling last week was about.

"Sergeant asked if I would help out next time your in the ring. That's all. He's done it before with other clients." I explain.

She looks away shaking her head, "I'm not some charity case, you know."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Why would you think you're a charity case?" I ask genuinely.

"Because I'm not as good as you," she begins to pick dirt from under her fingernails.

"Stephanie, it has taken years for me to get here. Did you know I was in a wheelchair at one point?" Her eyes grow to saucers. I nod, "I take it you didn't. It's a lot of work and if there is anything I can do to help, I will. That is, if you'd like me to." I suggest trying to comfort her insecurities.

She chews on her lip, "Actually, I'd like that a lot. I'm sorry if I came across rude. I'm frustrated. My dad is pushing me to do this and I don't want to. But if you wouldn't mind helping, I might be able to tolerate it." She smiles.

"Of course, what do you have in mind?" I tilt my head inviting her ideas.

We set a time to meet tomorrow and depart in good spirits.

I wave to Fredrich who is talking with the man again. He watches me expressionless sending goose bumps across my skin. Once I'm out the door, I shake a little trying to get rid of the creepy vibe his eyes sent. I quicken my steps to the car and lock myself in. Something is off with that guy. I need to ask Sergeant about him tomorrow.

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