Monday, July 29th, 5:05 pm

15 2 0

Mrs. Stanley is walking out to the garage at the same time. "I'm glad to see you leaving at a decent time this evening."

Expelling a deep breath, "I'm heading over to The Range."

"Meredith, can I ask you something personal?" I shuffle my feet nervously.

"Uh, sure." I mean seriously. Am I going to say no to my boss?

"When was the last time you went on a date with a gentleman?"

"I'm sorry?" What is in the water these people are drinking? They've all gone mad!

"Well, I happen to know someone who would like to see you." My heart pumps harder. Please no. "He explained to me this afternoon that you've shot him down and I wanted to tell you he's a good man. Give him a chance. You're young and beautiful." She drifts a hand along the side of my head in a very endearing fashion. "Take a chance. Everyone deserves someone who makes them smile." I nod not wanting to argue with my boss. "Andre is a determined man, Meredith. I've had several dealing with him in court. That man usually gets what he wants, so be warned now. Don't waste time pushing him away. He sounded quite intrigued by you."

I nod again, "I'll think about it. Okay?"

"You do that and go home and get some rest. You work too hard." Her comment makes me smile. That we can both agree on.

"Goodbye Mrs. Stanley," I say turning towards my car.

Securing myself inside, I hug the steering wheel with my head resting on top. Why now? Why is this happening now when everything could become a mess? Groaning at the thought of Andre speaking with my boss, I question my sanity. How dare he? There has to be some sort of code he violated there.

I start the engine and allow the music to fuel my anger on my best friend. The next time I see her, I'm going to chew her out for opening her big mouth and telling him where I work.

My regular parking space is taken when I arrive, I park a few spaces further from the door. I reach behind the passenger seat for my bag and pull it out behind me as I climb out. I'm exhausted, but the need to feel is clawing at me. Fredrich waves at me as I scan my membership card and proceed to the locker. After a quick change, I go straight for the speed ball. Twenty minutes later my arms are on fire. I switch to a bag and practice my kicks. Thoughts of Rosie and the life she's been raised in fuels my legs as I strike the bag. I'm trying to work the concern and fear for her out of my body, but it's no use. Stephanie is on the other side working with one of the coaches. Sergeant focused on her movements. Frustrated with the lack of relief tonight's workout brings, I headed back to the locker room for a quick shower.

I stop by Sergeant's office on my way out to say hello. He's not in, so I decide to leave. Stephanie and the man I ran into last week are standing at the front desk talking to Fredrich when I walk out. They were grousely involved in a conversation that no one looked up when I opened the door to leave. They're probably talking about her membership or something like that. It's funny how many people argue about discounts they should receive simple because they go here. I shake the thoughts and scan the area as I approach my car. The sound of the doors unlocking echoes.

"At least there's one thing I won't yell at her about," I mumble inserting the key into the apartment door. Swinging it open, I slam it behind and lock it. Anna stands wide-eyed mid sip of her wine.

Pointing my finger at her, "YOU!" I toss my keys and bags to the side, "I can't believe you told him where I work! Do you know what he did?" Throwing my hands up in the air, I continue. "No you don't because you weren't there. He called me at work!" Anna smirks. I chose to ignore it and finish my spiel. "And that's not the worse!" Anna bites her lip sheepishly, stepping aside to expose an enormous bouquet of daisies.

I look between her and the flowers not sure how to proceed. "Uh, that worse thing sent you something." Her Cheshire cat face returns as she pulls a hidden card from beneath a clump of sweet flowers.

Taking the note from her, I ask. "How many daisies is that?" I give them a long fixed look as my chest begins to feel funny. I'm not sure what to think about having something like that gifted to me. Anna clears her throat and points to the card I'm holding.

"I'm guessing a good fifty." Puzzled, I knit my eyebrows in question. "The flowers. You asked how many you think there are." I bring the card to my chest stepping back. How?

Anna grunts, "Give it to me. Good Lord you take forever." She opens the card and reads,


I found your beauty and innocence in a wave of people the other night as one would find a simple hidden daisy in a vast meadow.

You're stunning beauty has left me craving more.


Anna begins the fan herself with the card, "You're an idiot if you don't go on at least one date with him." She shakes her head knowing there is a battle going on in my head.

I stand quickly, grabbing the note from her hands to reread it. "I can't," I stammer still shocked in more ways than one. "Did you tell him that's my favorite flower, Anna?" I whisper trying my best to reign in the tears. Daddy always surprised me with daisies. He said I was loyal and full of love reminding him of the flower. Daddy was a hopeless romantic with mom and he carried it over for his little girl. Those were his words. I wasn't the only one who received flowers. Mom got everything imaginable under the sun at least once a week. He was a man who loved with all of his heart. I'd love to be able to be like him one day, but the past has tainted so much. I'm afraid I'm too far gone to ever be the girl he wanted me to be.

I walk over to the island and grab Anna's glass gulping the contents. Ugh, it's her wine. Pointing my finger at her, "You owe me a bottle of wine," I say before filling her glass and swallowing it as well. When I'm done, I set the glass down and turn back to Anna. "I want his number. This has to stop. It's been what? Twenty-four hours and the man thinks I'm some floozy who will do whatever he commands?" I shake my head.

Anna stands with a vacant stare. "Annalise! I want his number!" I bark. She walks over to the counter, picks up her cell phone looking for his number and hands me the phone.

I snatch it and walk over to the window. Drawing one side of the fabric back, I watch the world below me live. Something I'd like to do, but too scared.

"Anna!" his sexy smooth voice hums through my veins.

"This is Meredith, Andre."

"Ah, Meredith. Buenas Noches."

"Stop!" I yell a little harder than I intended. "Stop with the sexy foreign language. Stop everything. You can't go calling me at work, talk to my boss and then send a gorgeous bouquet of flowers as if everything's okay. There are unwritten rules out there called etiquette. Calling my boss was low and put me in an uncomfortable position. I must go, goodbye Andre." I click end on the call without giving him the opportunity to argue. I'm afraid if I allowed him one-syllable, I'd stand there just to listen to him talk.

Anna snorts and I scrunch my nose in obvious displeasure at the notion.. "Well, you told him." Her sarcasm filling the room. It fills me with a tinge of guilt. Only a tinge. He can't be doing that. It's infuriating that one minute I'm mad for him talking to Mrs. Stanley and the next I melt at the flowers he sent to me.

Pointing her phone at her, I say, "Don't. Don't do that. Not now. I have too much going on. I can't deal with everything." I hand her back her phone and walk back to my room with the card still held tightly in my hand. Please God give me strength to get through this. The things this man makes me feel are so far over my head. I've never been in love before. Realistically, I know this isn't love for crying out loud, but could it develop into something? Or is he a player? Anna wouldn't let a player into my life. That much I know. Sighing loudly, I bring the card to my nose and sniff the pleasant aroma of daisies before placing it on my nightstand.

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