Monday, August 5th, 2:14 pm

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Mrs. Stanley and I met first thing this morning. We're having a meeting with Mrs. Pagan tomorrow to deliver the best plan of attack on the case. From the case files I had faxed, I gathered a couple things we might be able to work with if Mrs. Pagan is willing to let ICE know she's here undocumented. The first hearing was a little over a week ago. It was a simple one. Child protective services learned about Rosie having a family member who was competent to house her and from there it was easy work for Mrs. Stanley. Then she brought the case to me last Monday. It's amazing how quickly things move when dealing with the judicial system. It's one of the things I found fascinating and thrive on with this job.

I spent the rest of the morning preparing the documents we'll present to the court pending Mrs. Pagans approval. Once that's done I sit back in the chair and watch Mr. Finn toying with thoughts of Andre. "Ugh, I've got to stop this," I mutter.

A soft knock sounds interrupting my thought process. "Come in," I say finishing the words I was thinking about typing. I glance up, "What are you doing here?!" I ask accusatory.

"I stopped by to talk with Mr. Stanley and thought I'd see what you're up to." He says leaning against the threshold with his hands in his pockets.

I spread my arms out, "Work." I don't mean to be so curt but he's got to understand there are times when we get frustrated over interruptions.

Lexi peeks around him fanning herself with a paper. I roll my eyes. Andre's strides close the space between us. "May I?" he asks with his hand towards the chair.

"Does it matter if I say no?" I raise a challenging eyebrow.

He shrugs dismissing the question and takes a seat. He crosses a leg resting his ankle on his knee. He's dressed really nicely, but I tucked that thought away for later.

"So, what are you working on?" I flip the papers sitting in front of me over immediately regretting it. His eye catches it before I can hide it. Now I just want to crawl under a rock. He breaks out into a full megawatt smile, "My, my what is this eres preciousa? Hmm?" Ugh, I forgot I doodled his name while on the phone with Anna earlier.

"It's nothing," I reach and grab the papers from him stifling a nervous laugh.

He doesn't let up though and one side of his lips lift in that annoying fashion that causes my belly to flop. "See from my position here, it seems someones been drawing hearts and stars about their new found love."

"What?!" I stop scared of the words he just used. I regain my composure, "That is not the case Mr. Morales. You're surely mistaken." My cheeks heat in embarrassment.

He runs a finger back and forth under his lip trying to hide the amusement. He stands abruptly and walks around my desk leaning to speak in my ear. "You see Meredith, I know you find me attractive. You know I find you attractive. I believe it's time to stop fighting this and let me take you out on a real date." His warm breath has me squeezing my legs and possibly stop breathing all together.

"We did on Saturday," I retort honing in the rushing pace of the blood in my veins.

With a finger, he moves the curtain of curls separating us leaning closer his lips grazing my skin barely making contact. "No eres preciousa, a date would never have ended so early." He runs his nose down my neck and I'm drunk off the moment. My eyes closed while the goosebumps rise on my skin.

Aren't you full of yourself?" I whisper unable to find the strength of my voice. He chuckles, then places a kiss on my cheek lingering for an unwanted moment. No-strings I can handle. Commitment and promises of tomorrow aren't so easy to tackle. I'm still trying to process Saturday and then yesterday's interactions with the people I love.

"I'm a man of perseverance, Meredith. Have a good rest of your day," he walks to doorway and turns around, "Oh and I'll see you at the conference." He winks then he's gone.

I stare at his retreating form. As much as it pains me to admit, he's right. Though he's crass. He's right. Wait, conference? I blow out an exasperated sigh.

Lexi runs into my office still fanning herself, "Damn, Meredith please tell me he has a twin running around the streets of Redwood. I want a piece of that!" I roll my eyes again at her. We both wind up in a fit of giggles at her comment.

He kills the rest of my day. Unable to concentrate on a single thing I pack up early and head to the gym. Anna and I leave in a four days for the conference, so I pack a few things I normally wouldn't. Great. How am I going to be able to listen to the lectures or learn anything if he's there.

I stop by Mrs. Stanley's office on my way out. "You're leaving early," she says after glancing at the clock on her desk.

"There's a few things I want to look into before our meeting with Mrs. Pagan," I say knowing my face is still flushed.

"You go right on ahead honey. Did Andre get a chance to stop by on his way out?" She asks a little too chipper as if she set the whole thing up. I wouldn't put it past her.

I turn crimson, "Actually he did. He let me know he's going to the conference as well."

She claps her hands together, "That's wonderful! Maybe the two of you could have a drink one of the nights or possibly dinner." She finishes and two and two is starting to add up to four.

I give her a shoulder shrug, "Maybe," I don't commit. It would do her well to sweat a little. Think twice before playing matchmaker. There are enough people filling that role right now.

Once I'm in my car I remember Uncle Theo wants me to stay away from the Range. I can feel my muscles shrivel as time goes by. It's still early. If I decide to go, no one but those at the gym would know I was there. What's more important? Sparring or shooting? I toss my head back trying to come up with a happy medium. I can't find one. I've never been told I can't go to a shooting range or gym to tone and hone my reaction time and muscle strength.

I'm literally at a loss and wind up calling Anna.

"Hooootchiiiiiieeee Mama," she answers having caller ID. "Crap, hold on," voices are muffled. Anna must've put the phone against her chest. "Yes, Dayanara, I'll get on it." She pulled the phone back a little so it was easier to hear their heated conversation. "Mer, I need to call you back." The line goes dead. I understand Anna's boss is running for reelection, but I've never heard her speak so harshly.

With nowhere to go, I head south to a place I haven't visited in a long time.

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