Friday, July 26th, 7:13 pm

22 2 0

Anna's walks to one of the larger booths in the corner complete pretending the last exchange didn't happen. Andre nods his head over to the group gathered. I turn to reach for my third bottle (I'm going to stop counting) and stand to ignore his hand. A semblance of winning, I smile as I pass.

Andre smirks and his eyes glisten when I walk past his outreached hand as if he's amused. Who does he think he is? I'm sure he doesn't hear the word no. Well, I don't say yes, so his words will go up in flames like the heat I sense on my cheeks. That is until his hand moves to the small of my back provoking a shiver down my spine. Unfortunately, it doesn't simmer the blush.

"Mer, get your ass over here," Anna is trying to stand up to flag me down as if I don't know if she's right there. How embarrassing? "Come here. I want to introduce you to these thugs-"

"Hey speak for yourself," comes from one of the girls. There's five of them. "No darling, you are a thug," comes from one of the guys who gets a playful slap on his arm in the process.

"Everyone hush it," Anna commands the group. "Guys, this is my best friend, Mer. Mer, this is Louise, Brody, Ashley, Cameron, Tina, and well," she hesitates, "You already met Andre." I raise my hand in a friendly wave. Anna sits returning to her drink and striking up a conversation with someone, I think her name was, Tina. I'll never remember the names in the whirlwind introduction she gave.

On the other side of the booth, one of the girls patted the cushion in invitation. I take a seat and slide in because the other side is already full. And...Andre slides in next to me speaking under his breath into my curls, "She's irrationally upset from this morning." Before I can respond, the girl next to me whispers an apology for the group's crassness. I smile, already liking this person. Louise, was it?

"So what is it you do?" the girl I think of as Louise asks.

"I'm an attorney." I answer simply.

"Ah," the group echoes each other. I look around confused, cheeks heating again.

"We are all too." The girl next to me confirms. I nod wondering why I don't recognize any from passing at the courthouse. I stay quiet not wanting to offer more info.

Anna has the rapt attention of the group, explaining something that happened in court yesterday. There are lots of oohs and ahhs. Stuck in my head, I missed the point of the story.

Andre is holding in a laugh by the way his body shakes. His eyes leave Anna's for mine. He removes the hand covering his mouth and sends me a full watt genuine smile, his eyes a little glossy from trying not to laugh. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Anna's not too pleased with me at the moment." He clarifies. I smile. There's nothing like Anna with her feathers ruffled. Then it hits me. Is this why Anna needed to let off steam last night? Now I feel like a sorry excuse for a friend.

"Wait," I glance at Anna, back to Andre, then to Anna again, "Is this the douche canoe?" I try to ask with my face pointing away from Andre.

"Yes, he is!" Anna screeches, slapping her hand down on the table causing our drinks to slosh. The entire booth erupts in laughter, including Andre. "The whole thing was thrown out because of this infuriating so-called attorney!"

"So-called?" Andre challenges leaning forward, tilting his head at Anna, which only causes his leg to rest against mine. The sizzle of his flesh is too much, and quite frankly, I have no idea what is going on with me tonight. Did Dan spike my beer, or is this what it's like to completely lose your mind? I'm betting on the latter and decide to enjoy my last night of freedom as Anna will have me in the loony bin by this time tomorrow.

"Yes, because of your unethical representation." Anna throws.

"What was so unethical about getting the case thrown out, Annalise?" I turn stunned by Andre's use of Anna's full name. No one uses it. He must know how to get under her skin.

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