Chapter 12

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I woke up in the comfy recliner I had fell asleep in. I yawned and stretched. I relaxed myself with my arms hanging limply over the arm rests of the amazing chair. I saw a figure to my right from the corner of my eye. It was just standing there like a guard.

I looked at it with my still waking up eyes. It sure was a guard. It wore a black business suit with a red undershirt and very dark red tie. His hair was black with red strips in it. It was all messy looking as well. His skin as pale as mine. He had sunglasses on. He was buff looking. Like big and muscular looking.

I noticed that the goo was completely inside of me. I put the foot rest down and stood up. I stretched once more along with yawning. I relaxed myself back down onto my feet and fixed my outfit. I moved my wings a bit to get how they feel when I move them. I did the same with my tail.

During when the goo was entering me, my ears had gotten and fine point to the tips. My horns were quite.short and black. They had protruded almost on top of my head. I smiled to myself as a pocket watch with a long chain appeared.

The chain and casing for it was pure gold. It was shiney. The clock part itself was in the upper pocket while the end of the chain was in the lower pocket. My sleeves were rolled up evenly right above my robotic right arm. I had also gained a black tie. It suited me well for what I was wearing.

"Ah... You are awake. Ready to go back?" The large orb asked.

"I sure am," I smiled.

A portal appeared not too far in front of me. I took a look to see a red swirl going into the middle. I made sure everything was set before I walked up to it. The guard had followed me into the portal. I had appeared in the Parts and Service room. No one was in it luckily.

"I forgot to mention about your bodyguard. His name is Abaddon. He was made for your likings. He was a real person that had found me as well. As you can see, he wanted to join and wanted to become a bodyguard. It was his dream of course. I also wanted to mention that, when you want to come back, just envision a portal against a hard surface to home. Do you understand?" It explained in my head.

"I do," I said quietly to myself.

"That's great. Now enjoy."

I nodded and started heading towards the door. I stopped and turned to my bodyguard. I smiled.

"It is lovely to meet you Abaddon. I am happy to have you here," I told him.

"Why, thank you. I am glad to be here too," he replied back with a smile.

Abaddon was only 2 heads taller than me which I didn't mind knowing he would be my best friend later on. I smiled some more before turning back around and walking through the door. I walked down the hallway and towards the lobby. That's where I saw all of them.

All the robots were gathered in the center of the room with Puppet in the middle. I hid me wings.

"Please stay here as I go see them. Understand?" I ordered him at the doorway to the lobby.

Luckily no one saw us as I did so.

"Understood," he replied obediently.

I smiled.

I started my way to the center of the room. Once close enough, I 'coughed' to get all of their attentions. It worked as they all turned their heads towards me. I had dropped my smile and put on a poker face. I looked back as Puppet walked up to me. He got onto his knees a bit too close to my comfort zone. I took a step back.

"What happened to you (y/n)?" He asked.

"Nothing, why?" I asked/lied.

"Something has happened to you. You look completely different from before. Who did this to you and what happened?" He asked again.

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