Chapter 2: New year, new jobs, new drama

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"Hello Sophomore year!" Kari said happily walking into school with Tk the following Monday morning. "Here comes my sweet 16th, my permit, and the most importantly my license."

"So should we all stay off the roads?" Tk asked wrapping his arms around the back of his girlfriend teasingly.

"Funny" Kari said smiling at him as Yolie came through the doors.

"I'm a junior my friends. Upper classmen." She smiled like she had entered heaven. "This is going to be the best year of my life."

"What makes you say that?" Tk asked skeptical.

"Simple." Yolie said. "This is the year I find my teenage love romance. Like you two found each other and Mimi and Izzy found each other and Tai and Sora and oh my god I'm definetly getting a boyfriend."

"That's your goal for this year?" Kari asked teasingly.

"Not only that but I'm going to work really hard so I become valedictorian for next year. Oh and I'm going to become popular. This is the beginning of an era." Yolie said smiling to herself.

Kari and Tk just looked at eachother smirking. "Okay then." Kari said shaking her head. "I have to get to class. Geometry is waiting." She kissed Tk and waved to Yolie. "I'll see you after school."


"This place is so small..." Tai said looking around his new dorm room with Sora. She had already unpacked and offered to help Tai move in. "I'm going to loose it being stuck in this room with the same person!"

Sora rolled her eyes. "Will you relax, it's not like you're going to be locked up in this room 24/7."

"I don't even know who my roomate is, Sor." Tai sighed. "What if I get stuck with some weird person that like does science experiments in the dorm room and then they blow up everything."

Sora gave him a look. "You're out of your mind there is no way your roomate will be that b..." she stopped short at the sight of a college student walking into the dorm room. But not just any college student...

"Mike..." Sora said completely taken aback.


"Hey Izzy!" Mimi said smiling sitting next to her boyfriend at lunch. Some boys that she could easily classify as nerds looked at her and made a face.

"Hey" Izzy said smiling back at her.

"Um..." One of the boys said raising his eyesbrows and continuing the conversation he was having before Mimi came over. "Anyway so I was thinking for the science fair I'd put together a solar operated air conditioner to save money. (A/n - I just made something up lol). I think for sure it's a win."

"Did you see what that guy made last night on 'Science Life'? Now that would win a science fair." Another guys said.

"I remember I made a volcano that erupted in the 7th grade for a science project." Mimi added and the two boys looked at her.

"Wow that's...scientific..." The first one said sarcastically.

Mimi felt embaressed but just shrugged. "My teacher liked it."

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