Chapter 18: Holding on to see him one more time

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The ride back was certainly quiter then the ride there. Mimi and Izzy sat awkwardly on one side of the private jet while Matt and Tk sat on the other. When Tk and Matt's family found out what had happened they insisted Tk get back to Kari and even loaned them the jet to get there quicker. They had left the following morning and everyone seemed to have calmed down...only now it was just silence.

Tk stared on the window of the jet not looking or speaking to anyone. He had been like that all morning. It wasn't like him to freak out like that but at the thought of losing Kari his whole world seemed to just come crashing down. It was like his parents divorce all over again. He felt like his world was being split into two. And he couldn't do anything about it.

Mimi and Izzy had spoken slightly about Kari's condition that morning, explaining that she had some confusion but other than that seemed to be alright. She was pale and weaker though. Apparently she had been having these symptoms leading up to this disease for weeks. This made Tk sick. He knew something was off about her and he did nothing. It was all his fault.

"Tai's okay." Tk snapped out of his train of thought and looked up at Mimi who was staring at her phone. "I have a message from Sora telling me that Tai got his test results back and he's fine. You know since the disease Kari has is genetic and all..." She trailed off.

"Well that's good." Matt said quietly. "The last thing anyone needs is for the both of them to be sick. Kari would be a mess if Tai's health was in danger and Tai would wait to make sure Kari was okay before doing anything about it. We all know that."

"Did Sora anything about Kari?" Izzy asked looking at the girl sitting next to him.

"She mentioned that she's really pale and tired. I guess she sleeps alot now, but people are usually with her to keep her company." Mimi said shrugging. "Nothing's really changed since we left."

"I guess that can be taken as a good thing though." Matt said. " I mean it means she hasn't taken a total turn for the worse."

"True." Mimi sighed as she closed her eyes resting. "She's a strong girl, she'll be fine."

Tk just turned away not saying a word throughout their whole conversation. He knew they were just trying to make him feel better. It wasn't working.


"Can I have two number 3's, a number 7, and a number 6?" Yolie asked looking up at the menu and the fast food joint across from the hospital. It had been a long day and now her and Davis had decided to head to the hospital to visit Kari. They hadn't eaten though so she was grabbing some food for them, Sora, and Tai.

"You don't plan to eat all of that yourself do you?" She turned at the smiling voice from behind her.

"Ken what are you doing here?" She asked as the worker went to prepare her food.

"Picking up some food for some people." He said pointing out the fact that they were at a fast food resturaunt.

"I see..." Yolie said thinking 'those people' were Megan.

"No Megan doesn't eat fast food." Ken said practically reading her mind.

"That's kind of creepy Ken."

"That she doesn't eat fast food or that I knew what you were thinking?"

"The thinking thing." Yolie said with a slight smile.

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