Chapter 5: Confusion

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"Thanks for coming home to visit." Mimi said lying on her bed staring at the ceiling as Sora sat on her futon with some college books in her arms.

The last week and a half had been extremely awkward for both Tai and Sora and Mimi and Izzy. Sora hadn't spoken to Tai too much, she kept telling herself that he was busy with soccer. Mimi where as was having issues just finding time to spend with Izzy. He was always so busy adding things to his college applications.

"Don't worry I needed a break from college anyway." Sora said looking at a book and then typing something up onto the computer. "It's been like what two weeks and I'm already having problems?"

Mimi sat up. "So what exactly did you and Mike say to each other?"

Sora pushed away her laptop and books. She moved her legs up off the floor and wrapped her arms around them, putting her faced on her knees as she stared at the floor. "I don't know. He apologized for everything that happened and told me Morgan was the biggest mistake he's ever made."

Mimi studied her. "Do you believe him?"

"Sort of..." she saw Mimi close her eyes and sigh. "Mimi we really loved each other before Morgan came along and he had never cheated on me before her."

"And what about Tai, Sora? You love him. You told me so what happened?"

"Mike and I have alot of history. I don't know just seeing him brought up all of these old feelings and..." she shrugged. "I still love him."

"Do you still love Tai?"


"Then what are you going to do?" Mimi asked her seriously.

The girl shrugged. "I just need time to think. But enough about me, you said you and Izzy are having problems."

Mimi looked towards the window. "Not exactly problems it's just...he's going places you know? What's going to happen to us when I go off to college as does he? He's going to go to some fancy IV league school and I'll be stuck in another world."

"Another world? Mimi you're not stupid."

"No I'm just not Izzy smart. Do you ever think maybe he just deserves a girl...more like him." she asked sadly.


"Someone who's going places in life. Will end up in some serious political career and will understand what the hecks going on in his." she shrugged. "Not someone who dreams of owning her own resturaunt and guest starring on Oprah."

"Mimi what happened to make you feel this way?" her friend asked sweetly.

"His friends...I try to interact with them and they look at me like I'm stupid."

"But Izzy doesn't feel or treat you like that." Sora said smiling. "He likes the way you are, Mimi."

Mimi nodded. "Yeah...I guess I'll just try to ignore the comments but's hard to ignore the 'what's the next president doing with the next girl on one of those superfacial MTV shows?' " she sighed.


"You look like you could use a break." Ken smirked at Yolie who had hot sauce down her shirt from an incident with buffalo chicken.

"I could also use the money." she said clearly tired.

"You're boyfriend must hate that you work so much." he said standing there looking at her. The food court wasn't very busy so he seemed to be taking a break.

"Trust me he survives..." Yolie said thinking about how Davis could really care less how much she worked. "Well I'm sure it bugs your girlfriend." she hated how it felt to say that he had a girlfriend.

Ken shrugged. "She's cool with it since the money often gets spent on her."

'Stupid idotic chick...' Was the only thing that went through Yolie's jealous mind. "Oh" Was the real word that came out of her mouth.

"Well I'm sure Davis spends tons of money on you." Ken said cheerfully.

'Oh please he still hasn't paid me back the $1.25 I lent him for lunch last year.' Yolie thought but just smiled. "Oh yeah he's great."

"Hey you know I was thinking what do you think of double dating?" Ken asked.

Yolie felt her heart stop. 'Please don't ask, please don't ask'. She held her breath. "Uh it's fun, why?"

"Well I was wondering..." he began.

'Don't ask, don't ask'.

"Would you like to double with me and Megan?"

'Damn it he asked.'

"I..." Yolie started feeling completly awkward.

"Well the thing is I one four concert tickets for next weekend and Megan and I don't have any mutal friends in a relationship. I thought it would be cool if you and Davis came with us. Plus it's free." he smiled and she melted.

"Sure we'd love to go." she said staring into his eyes longer than she should have. She turned away quickly. "I'll tell Davis."

"Cool." he said nodding and turning away.

"Crap!" she whispered to her self mentally smacking herself in the head.


Kari stood in her room staring at her arm in the mirror. Her eyes were filled with fear as she stared at the yellowish/orangish color part of her arm had turned.

"Kari, dinner!" she heard her mother scream.

"Coming!" she said but continue to stare at her arm. "What's wrong with me?" she whispered seriously afraid.

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