Chapter 15: Heading to Paris

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"Ken I really can't thank you enough." Yolie said as she pulled into Ken's driveway. She had taken him home after telling Izzy and Mimi about their plan to get Tk home.

Ken smiled. "Really there's no need to. I'm really happy that I was able to help."

Yolie sighed. "Yeah I'm glad too. I felt so useless sitting there not doing anything. Now Tk will be contacted and be able to come home to Kari."

"You're a great friend to her." Ken said looking at Yolie. "You can tell you really care."

"Thanks." Yolie said smiling. She sighed. "So you should probably get going huh?"

Ken looked out at the dark sky. "Yeah..." He opened the car door but turned and looked at her first like he wanted to say something. After he realized he was staring to long he smiled once more at her and left. "Bye, I'll see you at work."

"Bye." Yolie said feeling herself blush as she pulled out of his parking lot.


"Ugh how much longer, Izzy?" Mimi whined sitting on the airplane.

"Mimi we've only been in the air half an hour." Izzy said rolling his eyes.

"I'm getting air sick!"

"Since when do you get air sick? Your family's loaded you go on vacations all the time!"

"Well under this kind of stress I get air sick!" Mimi shot back slouching down in her seat. She sighed and looked up at Izzy who had his eyes on the movie that was playing for the passengers to see. She quickly looked down when he noticed her staring at him and instead stared out the airplane window.

"Sir would you like something to drink?" A young flight attendent came up and asked Izzy. She was pretty and smiling down at the boy and Mimi felt herself glaring instantly.

"Uh sure." Izzy said smiling. "I'll have some water."

She nodded and headed off to get him some water.

"It's not working." Mimi said with her arms crossed staring out the window.

"What are you talking about?" Izzy asked looking at her.

Mimi gave him a fake 'really?' look. "You're plan to flirt with the flight attendent isn't working, I'm not jealous." She rolled her eyes going along with her act.

"Well that's good because I wasn't trying to make you jealous." Izzy said casually as the women came back.

"Here you go." She said smiling. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your flight, just ask if you need anything."

"Oh I will." Izzy said with a huge smile on his face and Mimi turned back and gave him a dirty look. The women smiled and walked away as Izzy turned towards Mimi. "That time I was trying to make you jealous." He said still smiling.

Mimi rolled her eyes and looked away.

"And I'd say it worked..." He muttered loud enough for her to hear as she turned back and glared at him some more.


Tai sat listening to Kari's heart monitor in the dark room. It was completely silent. Davis had left the night before as did Jill. Their parents started making a fuss saying they had to come home but they promised to be back to visit Kari again. His parents were at work and Yolie was also at home. The only other person there was Sora since Mimi and Izzy had taken off late the night before to get to Tk in France.

He sighed as he could see the sun coming in through the window as the morning had finally arrived. He had barely slept at all through the night because he was so worried about Kari. Sora was still sleeping on the couch and Kari was sleeping in the hospital bed. Ever since she had started becoming confused his worry had gone up.

"Tai.." The boy looked up and saw his little sisters eyes partially open and squinting at him.

"Hey Kari." He whispered so Sora wouldn't wake up as he pulled up a chair beside her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine but have you found out your test results?" Kari asked sleepily.

"No, but don't worry to much about me." Tai said.

Kari turned her head slightly and saw Sora and then looked back over to Tai. "Forgive her Tai."


"Forgive her." Kari whispered looking seriously at her brother.

"Kari now isn't the time..." But Kari interupted him.

"Now is exactly the time!" Kari said trying to raise her voice but she was weak and it didn't go up that high. "Look at me. I'm dying and my boyfriend is across the world."

"What's that got to do with me and..." Kari interupted him again.

"We never know how much time we have, Tai. If you spend the next 10 years being mad at her it could be too late, if you spend the next 4 months being mad at her it could be too late, heck if you spend the next week being mad...well it could be too late..." She told him still completely serious. "Tai I thought I had plenty of time and then right before my eyes it was all taken from me. Don't waste it being stubborn."

Tai knew she was right but wasn't pleased about it. He sighed as he saw Sora sleeping with her orange hair covering her eyes. "But I..."

"But nothing. Stop being stubborn!"

"Will you let me finish a sentence!" Tai whispered but yelled at the same time. "Look I just want to get through one thing at a time. Right now my focus is on my little sister who I'm just glad knows who I am at this moment."

Kari rolled her eyes. "The doctor said I'd go in and out of confused states."

"So everytime you're in a normal state I'm going to get a lecture?"

"Pretty much. I'm fitting them all in before I hit my limit."


"I have to think realistically, Tai." Kari sighed. "I know it's bad, real bad. I just hope I get to see Tk once more." She looked at Tai. "Tai, I love him."


"Flight 389 is preparing to land. Please stay seated as we prepare for the decent."

Izzy opened his eyes at the sound of the speakers on the plane. He looked over at Mimi who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled slightly but then decided he should probably wake her up.

"Mimi...Mimi." He shook her lightly as she opened her eyes.

"What...?" She groaned shifting slightly until she realized her head was on Izzy's shoulder and she shot up embaressed. "Sorry..." She muttered.

"The plane's landing." Izzy said quietly also blushing.

"Paris here we come." Mimi said taking a deep breath.

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