Chapter 4: Life's never as easy as it seems

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"NO!" Davis said stubbornly the next day at lunch. Tk and Kari watched silently as Yolie begged for Davis to play along with the fake boyfriend act.

"Please Davis I feel totally humiliated. I thought he got me the job because he thought I was cute or something. He must have just felt sorry for me and I don't want to look like some desperate girl!" The girl begged.

"I'm a sophomore! The girls are going to be all over me! I can't be tied down with a fake girlfriend." Davis argued back.

"Well you don't have to pretend at school just show up at my work every so often. It will be extremely simple. Just walk in be like 'hey babe' or something and then go back to being a player at school." Yolie said still pleading.

"I think you should help her out Davis. She looked pretty embaressed at the mall in front of that dude." Tk said shrugging.

Yolie nodded. "Yes I was really humiliated!"

Davis squinted his eyes. "What's in it for me?"

Yolie thought about it for a moment. "I'll do all your math homework. You're always saying how bad you are at that subject and you have to maintain a C for soccer." she smirked knowing he'd go for it.

"Fine." Davis said slowly. "But I still get to date other girls."

"Fine." Yolie said nodding.

Kari shook her head. "This is SOOO going to backfire."

"Eat your lunch." Yolie said glaring looking at Kari's full plate. "Wait why aren't you eating your lunch? It's your favorite."

Kari shrugged. "I'm just not that hungry." She looked over towards Tk's books. "Can I borrow your history book mine's in my locker and I have history next."

"Sure" he said not giving it a second thought.

"Why did you leave it in your locker?" Yolie asked still supsicious.

Kari shrugged. "My back hurts so I didn't want to carry all the books."

Yolie looked at her concerned.

"What?" Kari asked. "I lifted alot helping Tai pack for college."

The boys continued their discussion on last nights baseball game but Yolie stared at her friend knowing something was wrong.


"Izzy!" Mimi said heading to his locker after the last bell rang. "Want to go get some ice cream? Double choclate moose on me." She smiled up at him.

He smiled sadly at her. "Sorry Meems I have a computer club meeting today. Another day."

"Yeah" Mimi said disappointed. "Well what if we saw a movie Friday? I really want to see that one with..."

Izzy cut her off. "Sorry Friday I'm working with Rick on the science fair project."

"Oh..." Mimi said looking at the floor. "You're so busy."

"Well I have to fill everything up for my college applications. Clubs look good and so wouldn't a first place science project." he saw her sad expression and lifted her chin with his hand. "We'll hang out soon okay Meems?"

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