Chapter 3: Fake and jealous boyfriends

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"Kari guess what!" Yolie ran into the school excitedly jumping up and down. "I got a job."

"Really!" Kari asked happy for her friend. "That's great where?"

"That chicken place in the food court at the mall. You know the one you say smells like fish?" Yolie told her happily.

"Oh yeah...ew but I guess it's still a job."

"Yeah I work Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's." Yolie told her counting in her head.

"You're going to be exhausted." Kari told her seriously. "A job plus all the work you'll be getting for junior year?"

Yolie shrugged. "I'll manage plus I didn't even tell you the best part."

Kari looked at her questioningly.

"That guy from the beach works there and got me the job!" she shrieked getting stares from people around her.

"Volleyball dude?" Kari asked while taking her math book out of her locker.

"Yeah that's him. Isn't he dreamy?" she asked lying against the locker next to Kari's.

"Uh...sure..." Kari said slowly looking at her friend who was in a daze. She rubbed her forhead and made a pained face.

"What's wrong?" Yolie asked snapping out of her trance to see Kari's facial expression.

"Nothing just another headache." Kari said trying to shake it off.

"You've been getting those alot lately are you alright?"

"Yeah it's probably just stress. You know how much work I'm going to be getting this year. I'm fine no worries." she put on a smile for her friend. "I'm off to math but tell me how your first day of work goes!"


"Yamato Ishida?" A man asked and Matt turned around to see someone from his housing building holding out a package.

"Yeah that's me." Matt said.

"This came for you in the mail." The man said handing it to him and then turning away to deliver more mail.

"Thanks" Matt said even though he knew the guy had already walked away. He took the package and opened it up to see a letter on top. He opened it up to read it.


Hi! I thought I'd send you a welcome to college package to start off your year. Kari asked Tk and he told me your favorite snacks, you know chips and candy bars that are able to be sent in the mail. I figured you might need some snacks in case you get sick of the cafeteria food and can't afford real food. Not saying you're broke just that from what I've heard people never have money in college. Anyway there's some other stuff included and I hope it all comes in handy. Hope your first week of college is a blast!

Yours truly,

Jill :D

Matt smiled at how she put a smile face next to her name. She was definetly one of the happiest people he had ever met. After graduation he had gotten to know Jill a little bit. She had been staying at Tai's house for a week and he had used that to his advantage whenever he went to hang out with his big haired friend.

He had also started to like her but refused to admit it to his friends and especiallyTai because of Kari, since Jill was her friend. He went back to his dorm room and sat down at his desk preparing to write her a letter back.


"What is this? This is a ridiculous amount of work!" Tai complained sitting at a on campus coffee shop with Sora.

Sora rolled her eyes. "We're in college not elementary school."

"Well I miss elementary school they had snack time!" he made a face at the coffee he was drinking. "And it was good stuff..."

"Oh you poor baby I'll get you a juice pack when I got to the store." She said teasingly. Her smile fell when she saw Mike walk into the coffee shop.

Tai turned around and saw the boy walking over to the counter to order. "We can leave if you want." he said slowly waiting for her reaction.

"No that's silly." She said shaking her head. "We're going to see him around you guys are roomates after all..."

Tai watched her awkwardly.

"Has he mentioned me?" She blurted out of the blue.

Tai shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Uh no well we haven't really talked that much. Just mentioned soccer a few times..."

"I see." She said while looking out the window. "I have class I'll talk to you later." She added quickly getting up and leaving without a second glance.

Tai sat up and looked at the door she had run so fast out of. He felt his heart sink at the realization that she wasn't over Mike.


Yolie smiled when she saw the boy working behind the counter. She rushed over to get started right away. To her dismay the mean lady from before was the one showing her what to do.

Yolie stood by the cash register taking orders for the customers. Ken came over after about an hour.

"Do you like the job?" He asked sweetly.

Yolie felt herself blush. "Yeah it's great thanks for helping me get it."

He shrugged. "No problem you looked like you really wanted it."

She smiled until she heard a voice.

"Hey Kenny ready to go?" A pretty girl with deep brown hair and maroon highlights said.

Ken looked up. "Yeah."

Yolie felt her face fall and her heart sink. Maybe she wasn't what she thought she was though...

"Oh this is my girlfriend Megan." He told her.

Okay she was what she thought she was. "Nice to meet you..." Yolie told her awkwardly.

"Yo Yolie I'll have..." Yolie looked up to see Davis walking towards her with Tk.

"Ken this is my boyfriend Davis." She said quickly without thinking.

Tk spit out the soda he was drinking and Davis gave her a look. "Wha..." he began but Yolie interrupted fast.

"Davey I'll be off work later I told you that." Yolie said giving him a look that he better shut up.

Ken gave her a look remembering how she was yelling about Davis on the beach that day. He shook it off. "I'll see you later." he told her grabbing his stuff and walking off with Megan.

Davis looked at her. "I wanted fried chicken not a girlfriend."

"Just shut up I panicked okay!" Yolie said. "I can't believe he has a girlfriend."

"I can't believe you told him was your boyfriend..."

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