Chapter 3

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Alya POV:

Finally it was break and me Nino, Adrien and Sabrina were introducing ourselves properly to Marinette.

Mari- "yeah well you guys seem nice and we're in most lessons together so I was hoping we could get to know each other and become best friends."
Nino- "nice choice of fashion by the way, dudette."
Mari- "thanks"

Adrien was trying to tell Mari he was interested in video games and he loved horror movies and chocolate cake but it came out as something like "heh yeahhhh I um l-love ho-rror movies and um uh games video....uh-I MEAN..ugh I suck" 😂. The rest of us were practically rolling on the floor because of laughing and Marinette stared him in confusion and joined us.

Finally Loverboy controlled himself and relaxed around Mari. Who would blame him for losing control though? Mari was perfect. Her raven hair fell down her well shaped face. Her eyes were a pretty blue and she had a figure unlike most girls in our school who are flatter than ironing boards.

Finally the bell started ringing signalling it was time for our next period- Science. I am totally going to make Adrien and Mari sit together.

To top it off we're learning about sex so um they're in for a treat😏. I told Nino the plan and we left 5 minutes before the rest so Nino could take Marinettes space.

They walked in and Mari was trying to get Nino to move but then she gave up and filled his space next to Adrien. She didn't even know what we were learning about so I guess she didn't even give a shit about where she sat.

Adrien however was redder than Nathaniel's hair and sat down next to her without saying anything.

So lesson started and me and Nino were trying to hold our laughs in and well me failing miserably. "Shut the fuck up Alya you're gonna get us kicked out the class" my boyfriend tried to say without laughing and I'm not gonna lie he was pretty successful. Well what can I say, he's my boyfriend and everything about him is amazing so how can he have failed?

As for Adrien and Marinette, weeeeellllll........things were VERY uncomfortable between them...

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