Chapter 22

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Adrien POV:

I woke up in a cold and dark room. No windows. No source of light. No beds or chairs or tables. No food. No water. Nothing. It was empty.

My head hurt as I tried to sit up against a wall. My eyes felt droopy and my throat, dry. I tried to look for something that would help me out. Anything. But there was still nothing.

My eyes were finally starting to open fully until the door burst open, a white light seeping through. However, some of the light was blocked out by a figure, which stood in the doorway. It carried another lifeless figure, a woman.

I could hear liquid dropping to the cold, stone floor. My eyes squinted as I tried to see who the figure belonged to. It came closer and closer and closer.

It dropped the body in front of me. My eyes widened as realisation dawned upon me. The lifeless figure belonged to Marinette. The side of her forehead was cut, blood flowing freely from it, down the left side of her face. There was a wound on her stomach, blood pumping out and soiling her clothes. Her lips were blue and her eyes were closed.

I reached out to touch her hands but all I felt was cold skin. I pulled away as my heart stopped. My fingers moving at their own accord, they opened one of her eyelids, slowly, to reveal her dull, grey orbs. As soon as my hand retracted, they closed once more. Warm tears fell out my eyes, contrasting against my cold cheeks. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt sick.

My eyes travelled up to the figure which placed Marinette's dead body in front of me. I could tell it was a man by the height and the shape of his body. His face was covered with a mask. I made out that it was purple.

His greyish blue eyes shone in happiness as his lips were taken over by a smirk.

"Look. There she is. In front of you. Dead. And there's nothing you can do about it."

"No." My voice was shaky.

"You weren't able to protect her. Just accept it, she's dead. And her blood is on your hands."

"Stop it. Please." Sobs were threatening to rack my body.

"You're not good enough for her. In the final battle between us, You killed her. You aimed the gun at me but the bullet hit her instead."

"Stop it!"

"You know I'm right. You both aren't a match for me as I am HawkMoth. She's dead. And it's your fault. Now you're in jail and I'm free. Such a cruel way to end your girlfriend's life don't you think? First shoot her with a gun and then slit her head open with a rock."


"I know it's hard to accept the truth but you'll get over it with some time. I should go, your friends are waiting outside."

"NO! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! PLEASE! I just....I wanna go home. Please take me out of here."

"Aw. He wants to go home. Well you're staying here while I stay free. Oh and they said they'll let you attend her funeral."

He walked out and I was crying more than ever. I heard several footsteps. One person was running as their footsteps were fast.

Alya jumped into the room with tears staining her cheeks and her breathing, heavy.

"I can't believe you would do that to her Adrien."

Nino walked in. "We thought you were better than this. You couldn't even protect her."

Th rest of the class walked in.

"You let my cousin die. You were meant to protect her. It should've been YOU not HER!" Chloe started to cry.

"You weren't good enough."

"You let her die."

"You killed her Adrien."

"You're a monster."


"Stop being so delusional, Adrien. You know that you killed my best friend. She didn't deserve to die. And it's all your fault!"

My breathing became heavy as I stared at their intimidating scowls and glares. I felt sick and dizzy. I felt like I was having a panic attack.

" I-I didn't kill her."

"Just shut up Agreste. I would've treated her so much better than you did. I wouldn't have even let her get into the fight." Luka said, stepping forward.

I shook my head vigorously. "N-no I d-didn't."

"You're delusional. You used to be my bro but now, you're nothing to me. You're nothing to all of us. We're going, they'll be here to take you soon."

"No.....please don't leave me here! I didn't kill her I swear!"

Sabrina turned around and scowled at me with a disgusted face. "That's what they all say. Have a great time in hell..."

With that they all walked off. My eyes trailed back to the corpse in front of me and I moved as far away from it as possible, as if it was going to attack me somehow.

I pulled at my dirty hair and clenched my teeth. My breathing suddenly intensified and the pressure was becoming too much. I yelled and then started to cry again.

"Princess, I'm so sorry. Please, come back." I begged, but no response. I was fucked. My life was nothing. Absolutely nothing.........

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