Chapter 12

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Marinette POV:

We walked into his balcony and I stared with my mouth open. "Wow." It was just so cosy and looked relaxing.

"Well, come sit here." I walked over to Adrien and sat down next to him on the sofa at the far end under a roof kind of thing. I lay down with my head on his lap and he was stroking hair.

"So uh you know that kiss? Did you enjoy it?"

"Well of course I did. Honestly I've never kissed anyone before in my life. And the first time we kissed in your bathroom was amazing."

I blushed and thank god it was night because that meant he couldn't see my face. "What about you?"

"I enjoyed it. A lot. I mean the first time I got turned on so I had to go to the bathroom to uh do my business. And the second time was amazing too, it was just that the rest of these guys were there so I was embarrassed. Also before you ask, yes you are my first kiss."

"Wow. So that's what you went to the bathroom for. And woah I wasn't expecting you to have never kissed anyone before me."

"Well it's not like you kissed anyone before me so I guess you can't really say anything to me. Honestly I'm surprised because you're so pretty and anyone would fall for you."

"Thanks Adrien. Anyways, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good. What about you."

"Good too."

At this point I feel like we were just trying to keep the conversation alive. We were silent but it was a comfortable silence. I stared at the stars above, which could faintly be seen.

"The stars are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Mhm. I used to look at stars all the time when I was small and couldn't sleep."

"That's nice. Anyways we should go inside. It's cold out and we got school tomorrow."

When we went inside, I saw that Alya and Chloe had moved. Alya was lying with Nino and Chloe was lying in Adrien's previous space.

"Uh Adrien. Where are you gunna sleep? Chloe took your space."

"Oh. I'll sleep on the bed with you then."

"W-what? How can you be so casual about that?"

"Hey chill princess. It's not like we haven't slept together before when you came to mine and that was on a sofa, all squashed together. And we've kissed so how is this bad?" With the light coming from the small lamp besides Adrien's bed, I could see a small smirk plastered across his face.

"Fine. But don't try anything funny. Or I will kick you off and then have the whole bed to myself."

"I honestly wouldn't mind. At least your scent would be left there."

"Shut up Adrien. Gosh I don't know why you flirt so much." I rolled my eyes while saying that.

"I'm not flirting. Why would you think that?" He said with a cute innocent face.

"You're lucky you're taller than me or I would've slapped your head."

"Mhm sure. But you can't because you're so short." He chuckled and lay down in the bed. I gave him a glare and jumped in next to him.

"I'm leaning on you by the way."

"Sure. I don't mind don't worry."

I felt so warm in his arms. My head lay on his chest with my arm around his waist and he had his arm around me.

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