Chapter 20

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Adrien's POV:

A few weeks had passed and it was almost Valentine's Day. Nino and I were out shopping for that very reason. However, we decided to take a break at the nearest Starbucks.

"You know, maybe you should just tell her your feelings on Valentine's Day. I mean, how hard can it be?"

I looked at him with a straight face. "You're asking me how hard it can be? What if she doesn't even like me? Fucking hell this is difficult man I hate being in love." I heavily sighed and put my head down.

"I swear to God you're blind. Listen, I'm telling you. Just tell the girl. I'll help you plan something special but this year, you are NOT ending Valentine's Day single. Got it?"

"She doesn't even like me. How the fuck am I meant to ask her. I feel insecure bro."

"The Adrien Agreste is insecure? May I just remind you that you have literally the whole world obsessing over you. Every single girl, well almost every single girl, LOVES you. Even some gay boys love you. You have millions of fans and you're insecure? Haha, you're funny."

I put my head on my arm so that I could see my left side and started drawing patterns on the table with my finger. "*sigh* fine. Since I know there's so point arguing with you, I'll just listen. Happy?"

"Yay. Now, the first thing we need to do is get something like a ring or something precious."

"I already know what I'm getting. But I'm going to get flowers on the day so they don't get ruined."

"Okay that's good. But don't get her too much, her birthday's also coming up and you don't wanna spoil her too much or she won't shut up about how special she is."

Sighing dreamily, I replied, "That girl is mad special. I'd do anything for her. And that's on God."

"Damn son. Anyways, it's gunna get dark soon so we should get the things quickly. We'll leave them in Ms Bustier's room so they don't find out."

"Good idea."

After about an hour or two

I got really happy because I found the things I really wanted to get her. And no I will not tell yet because it's a surprise😌🤫

When we got to our hotel room, the girls were on the top bunk knocked out. Wow we must've come back late. And we did. It was about 11pm when we got back. I had a shower and got changed. Nino did the same and we feel asleep back to back.

The next morning we woke up and found that the two girls were gone, and they left a note.

Alya's POV:

Marinette and I woke up at 5:00 just so we could get ready early as we were going shopping to get something for Adrien and Nino. While the boys were gone, I managed to convince her to get something for Adrien and that he would 100% not reject it.

We both got dressed into matching tops, shorts, shoes and hairstyles. We left a note for the boys telling them that we'll be out today and ran out the door after grabbing our purses.

"Alyaaaa I'm scared again. I feel like I'm doing all this for no reason. What if he doesn't even like me? Oh lord."

"Girl, you need to calm the fuck down. I'm pretty sure Adrien loves you as well, if not more. So I suggest that you shut up and get something for him. I'll even help you look for something."

"Yeah but you see I'm feeling a little bit insecure."

I scoffed at her dumb statement. "The Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insecure? Girl, about what?"

"I don't know..I mean look at all these girls. They're so pretty and then look at me."

Immediately stopping in my tracks, I grabbed Marinette by the shoulders and came face to face with her. "You are really starting to get in my nerves goddamnit. You see all these girls?" She nodded. "They've all most likely had plastic surgery. And did you know that there's a crazy woman who changed her whole face, body and hair just to look like you. How are you still going to feel insecure? Girl you are hella pretty and no one can compare and I'm not just saying this cause you're my best friend, I'm saying it because it's true Mari."

She smiled at me and then grabbed my hand. "Well then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and started running towards a jewellery store. "Hey! Wait up!" We both ran laughing.

After we got everything we needed, we went to Ms Bustier's room and put out things there so the boys wouldn't see what we got for them. When we got to our hotel room, the boys jumped on the bed and sat there with their arms crossed and big weird smiles on their faces.

"Um are you guys constipated or something? Why are you sitting like that?"

"Huh. No reason." Nino said whole Adrien nodded. Marinette and I looked at each other with our eyebrows raised and then shrugged. Both of us got changed and went into our bed. However, I noticed a Change in Adrien's behaviour lately. He started to sleep with Nino instead of with Marinette. I thought that they had an argument but I brushed it off.

Nino's POV:

While the girls were gone, Adrien and I were planning on what to do for the girls on Valentine's Day.

"I think that we should set up a party in the hall that everyone is invited to. Even the guests at this hotel who aren't from our school."

"Hmmm. That's a good idea. Why don't you ask Mari to be your girlfriend on that day?"

"What like in front of everyone?"

I nodded my head yes. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I don't think I can do that. I'm scared. And I will be embarrassed if she says no."

"Adrien, she won't say no. Trust me."

He sighed and we went back to our planning. I'm not gunna ruin it because then what's the point of a Valentine's special. Whoopsie! I've said too much🤭. I'm gunna go now so😁✌🏻
HI AGAIN PEEPS!! Yes it is exactly what I said. I'm going to be making a Valentine's special and I wanted this boring part out of the way so that part could be separate.

I'll be working on it and I'm looking forward to posting the chapter on Friday since it makes more sense to if my plan doesn't work out then please don't kill me. Also, I haven't proof read this so if there's any mistakes don't come at me.

However, I'm not making one for 5 years since it's too early for one so please do not be disappointed.

I'm gonna go now. Love you byeee💕

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