Chapter 24

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I just realised that I haven't updated this story in a month and by the time this chapter is out, I think it'll be more.

And for that I am extremely sorry guys but I've just been so busy with online school work and blah blah. The teachers give us more work online than in class and it's really annoying.

So, that's why I have decided to write a chapter and I hope you enjoy x

Adrien's POV:

We finally arrived at the beach and we headed towards the changing rooms. The girls and boys were separate.

The girls weren't out when we were finished changing. To pass time, we set up towels, snacks, umbrellas and music so we were ready for when they came out.

Just after we finished, all the girls ran out, laughing as an angry woman was calling out to them. Marinette ran up to me and pulled me down to the sand accidentally, which made her laugh even harder.

"Why are you guys laughing so much?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

Chloe finally composed herself and answered me, "Okay so you know the lady that was calling out to us? Well she's angry because we were getting changed and then I slipped because there was water on the floor and my butt landed straight onto her sunscreen bottle, causing it to squeeze out and right onto her face. Some went into her mouth and nose."

I snorted and looked at Marinette and Alya who were howling with laughter. Nino came over and sat next to me.

"I'm not even gunna ask what happened because knowing these guys, they done something stupid."

"Haha yeah. They squeezed sunscreen onto someone's face accidentally." Nino snickered and shouted at the girls to calm down because they were attracting unnecessary attention.

I was sitting upright and Marinette came and sat in my lap, her back facing me. I slowly began to snake my arms around her waist, teasing her until she pulled my arms around her quickly.

I giggled at her behaviour and pulled her closer to me, as if I was afraid of losing her.

Alya started taking pictures of us and soon, there were random people also taking pictures of us. There was a few paparazzi, which Marinette seemed to notice because she started making funny faces at the camera, causing others around us to laugh.

I stood up, still holding the raven haired beauty in my arms and placed her down. Almost immediately, I picked her up bridal style.

"Adrien, put me down." She said giggling.



I shook my head no and starting walking towards the sea. She must've got what I was about to do because she started kicking her legs around and screaming.

I chuckled. "Calm down. People are gunna think I'm trying to rape you."

She blushed and then calmed down a little. However, she still grabbed onto my neck as if she was gunna die if she let go. Once I reached the sea, I looked into her eyes and immediately caught her lips with mine.

She reciprocated the movements and I kept going for some time, ignoring the cameras taking pictures. I kept going so that she could let her guard down, which she did.

After about a minute, I let go and looked into her eyes and smirked at her. Next, I threw her into the water and she screamed. Emerging out of the pool, she tried to run towards me. I ran away from her laughing.


She caught up with me and jumped me into the sand. "Thanks to you, my mesh is now soaking wet."

"Okay and?" I laughed back. She huffed and then smirked at me. I shot my eyebrow up because I was confused as to what she was smirking about.

She slowly stood up, teasingly taking off her mesh cardigan, revealing her very prefect and very uncovered body. I felt my eyes widen and my face heat up more than it already was.

I gulped. "Oh my god....," I whispered. "Why would you wear something like that on the beach?!" I didn't mean to shout at her but the looks she was getting from passing males, most likely the same age as us, I couldn't hold myself back.

She looked shocked at first but then her features morphed as she began to laugh. I huffed and looked away, pouting.

"Aww Adrien, don't be sad. You know I've only got eyes for you." She said with a genuine smile. I smiled back at her and placed a chaste kiss against her forehead.

"I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, Adrien."

Chloe's POV:

Aw how cute. I thought while I saw Adrien kiss Marinette on her forehead. After the two went to go and play beach volleyball with some strangers, a certain redhead approached me.

"Hey Chloe. What's up?"

"O-oh. Hey Nathaniel. Nothing much, how about you?"

"Same. Do you wanna go play volleyball and get some ice cream after?"

"Haha sure." I felt a little bit of heat on my cheeks but that was totally because of the sun.

Nathaniel dragged me up from my wrists and ran towards the small crowd of people, with me running in pursuit to catch up.

So this chapter is VERY late, I know and I'm sorry😕I've just been very busy and yeah.

This chapter was meant to be longer but then there was still too much to write and I couldn't be arsed so I left it at that and I will continue in the next chapter.

Thank you all for sticking around💕I'll see you in the next chapter, BYE✌🏻

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