Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Adrian’s POV

With a soft huff I turned over the pages on my desk, the endless amount of documents surrounding me as they related to the troubled pack I was considering helping out.

Generally, if I was being completely honest with myself, I wouldn’t have bothered. It wasn’t my fault the Alpha couldn’t control his own pack, that his father hadn’t done a good enough job of guiding him so he could become what had basically been predicted and designed since his birth.

Not to mention his father was still alive apparently, so why wasn’t he helping out? It was as if he wanted his own flesh and blood to fail.

It had crossed my mind that his father was purposely wanting his son to collapse under the pressure and responsibility, but I was soon corrected when in the files it was clear the father had turned over the position voluntarily and his son hadn’t taken it from him by force. So, that pretty much cleared that thought up.

Shaking my head I leaned my elbows on the wooden desk, my hands cupping my face before I ran my fingers through my hair in a frustrated manner. I still didn’t have a clue what was going on. I mean should I take it or not? Help them out or leave them? It wasn’t an easy choice by far, not when I would have to up route some of my pack, as well as my mate which was my biggest concern, to lend a hand. I would get an alliance out of it, but then again it would be an alliance I could do without.

To be honest, I was completely and utterly lost.

With that on my mind I shoved everything to the side, not in the mood to deal with it anymore. My decision could wait another day or two, I wasn’t in any rush.

Glancing upwards I couldn’t help but smile when I caught sight of my mate still fast asleep under the sheets of my covers. I didn’t blame her, it was still early in the morning and I hadn’t wanted to wake her.

Making a mental note to speak to Lisa, wanting to find out if she had found anything wrong with my angel, I rested my feet on my desk as I leaned back in my leather chair as I went over my mental plan for the day.

I knew I needed to speak with the pups today, both Sophie and Liam having been banned from shifting for the past several days since we had last spoken. Ever since their mother had complained that my punishment for them had been too harsh and I had, to put it in blunt terms, put an end to that train of thought, I hadn’t seen any of them.

It was time to go over the rules. Make them submit.

Pulling my feet off my desk I rose to my full height. Stretching, I winced when my back clicked before I strode over to my bed so I could sit on the edge of it. I hated to rouse my mate, but I wasn’t going to up and leave her without telling her where I was going first.

I would also admit, I was kind of hoping she would want to come with me.

Knowing how whipped that sounded and not caring in the slightest I gently shook her awake, smiling when I heard her soft grunt before she rolled over and snugged back under my covers. I fought back a snort of amusement.


Saying her name softly didn’t seem to have much effect on her either. Knowing that I had to be careful, and while most blokes would probably play some sort of prank to wake up their girl I knew I couldn’t and wouldn’t. She had told me about how her old pack had used to wake her up, and when I had heard that they used to throw freezing water over her I had wanted to do nothing more than to rip into each and every one of them. People like that didn’t deserve to walk on the same ground as her, let alone treat her, or anyone, in such a manner.

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