Chapter 14

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All sand in the hourglass had disappeared. It was now time to face the monster. Everyone had got up and eaten. No one could perform to the standard demanded on an empty stomach. Each whistle of the wind washed up each room. Men and women from all different families were going to fight. For some inevitably dying. That was a chance the community would take. If it was to happen tearing each other apart wasn't the way to handle it; they needed to stand together as one.

Dawning each bullet-proof clothing and armoring up was a vile but joyful feeling for our trio. The memories of having to do the same for Frost clouded their minds yet the happiness of knowing how it was for good diffused into each horrid image of the past.

Tanya tightened the strap of her vest when she observed the state of her comrades. Deshi was nervous. Constantly tapping his feet whilst simultaneously shaking his arms to build up the confidence to what he was about to do. Hope was scared. All of her body enveloped within itself, knees to chest with her head on top. Something was clearly bothering her and letting it bottle up was just going to cause an explosion.

"What's up Opy?" The nickname came from the last three letters of the girl's name with a little twist. Every time anyone heard it, the very sound light a spark in everyone's heart. It was clear to see the woman had a distinct impression of people but no one had that sort of undeniable joy. Undeniable hope. Seeing her sad was a rare occasion and one that broke hearts.

"What if one of us dies?"

"It's more than likely going to happen." Truth should be distinguished. They are friends after all.

"What if it was you, Tanya? What if you died!"

"If it helps build the world back to what it was... it was worth it." Steady breaths eased the tension in the room. Almost like the comfort of knowing you can still breath comforting the humans. One day those breaths would run out. That day could possibly be today for all they knew. Never to live another day in their life. Yet it was worth it.

Not knowing when your last goodbye would be is possibly the most excruciating pain. The 'what if' moments where in a second your life could change. With the click of a finger. All gone. The families of the groups had a little individual send-off before leaving. All the cultures, religions, and backgrounds melting into one. Humans need each other, that will never stop. It's the care and love we need to have for each other that should always connect us.

Tanya saw each guard from the table with their families. One just with his wife, who was crying, as their foreheads were connected together. Silently just crying the pain away so that the last breath of each other wouldn't be contaminated by tears. Another with his girlfriend and six children. Deshi had spoken to him about if he had ever wished about a smaller family or getting married. Both answers being no. The guard had loved his life and family, no matter how big or small. Appreciation for the fact they finally felt excepted somewhere was all he could reply with. The final guard kissed his two daughters heads and then the lips of his husband. Before stepping away the two little girls requested a song from their "dada" which was an old nursery rhyme. You are my sunshine was the song's name and he had sung it to them every night since becoming a father. It protected them then so it will protect them now.

Hashim was crying clinging onto Anika. Never had they seen Hashim cry and never did they want to again. Each piece of their hearts tore off and dropped from their chest. The conversation was had before Anika lifted his chin up followed by a kiss on the forehead. She would do anything for her baby. Anything. The two walked over to our trio smiling at each face. Hashim wanted to say some last words of encouragement, they had just hoped it wasn't like the encouragement they endured when training.

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