Chapter 27

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A week had passed and yet the pain of loss festered in the Los Elementos residence. Anika was still dead and that would never change. So all they could do was remind themselves of her influence and keep moving forward.

Hope looked in the mirror, a black dress dawned her body. Her flawless black skin had absorbed so many tears within that week. Losing a girlfriend was one of the biggest pains you could ever face but she hid her tears and acted like nothing was wrong.

Been a mother means that strength for her son was the main priority. For a boy who has once again lost a parent.

It was a struggle looking after Hashim since Anika passed because he was angry. Another little, innocent child who turned into a being of rage due to Frost's actions. However, last night a glint of faith seemed to make its way onto the horizon of how he was progressing.

Hope had sat him down and talked about everything on his mind. No dismissing or belittling what he thought. Just listening and learning. Talking about how to progress from now on. Both agreed to have pictures of the woman scattered around the home to know she was always there. That as well as having a diary each to write to her every day. If it got too much, they promised to talk.

Hope just wished she could form every single thought in her mind into words.

It was suffocating each time a word relating to the death came from her mouth.

"You ready?"

Tanya appeared behind the elder, just looking at each other in the mirror.


"It was a stupid question anyway. You will never be ready for something like this." Tanya softly spoke.

The younger moved closer to Hope and wrapped her small pale arms around the elder, leaning her chin onto the latter's shoulder.

"But sometimes we have to face things, even when we aren't ready because it's how we grow."

Hope turned around and reciprocated how warm and comforting the hug was. Finally sobbing each word that couldn't previously be said. Somehow with Tanya, she could say anything.

She felt safe when vulnerable with the younger because even in the face of succumbing to ignorance, Tanya always trusted Hope. So in the face of death, Hope would trust Tanya too.

Minutes later, Tanya unhooked herself from the hug and linked arms with Hope. They were going to face this together. All of them were.

When they left the room, the two found Hashim and Deshi playing a small game of rock, paper, scissors. Normally it would have turned into a tickle fight by now but neither had the energy. Who could blame them when someone they loved was being buried.

Walking out of the house and into the streets, they followed the casket which was being carried. Dave, who was dressed in the finest black silk around, was accompanied by five other males, all of which held the casket.

Silence emitted throughout the landscape. As everyone took their seat, every ear listened to the priest who held the service. At the front stood the casket, a small photo of Anika on top. She was smiling. Never would the earth see such a pretty smile again. Hope's memories were filled with nothing but and always will be.

When the final hymn was sung, everybody had their turn saying goodbye to their leader. Small thankyous, sobs of gratefulness and chuckles from distant memories came from each person. It was the last goodbye each would have to do since all the other members who had passed were given a beautiful service and buried in the new memorial area.

Hope finally walked up to the casket with Hashim, both holding hands.

"We will never forget you, my love." Hope's empty hand touched the cold wood and glided over it calmly.

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