Chapter 18

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The time had come.

Every war has it's first attack and the Los Elementos were prepared to be the viper who struck. Everyone was surrounding the long tables. Eating, drinking, and laughing. One final night filled with joyous energy. Children ran around carefree, forgetting their parents would be armed with guns. Elderly men and women clinked the homemade wine reminiscing their sons and daughters beautiful newborn eyes, ignoring that those babies would see death and destruction. Anika hugged her child, holding on for dear life, afraid that it could be the last.

As Hashim ran off to play with another young boy, Hope filled the deep void by wrapping her long arms around the leader from behind. Unclarified love lingered between each air molecule rising the tension between them. Even though both had been around each other pretty much each hour they had been awake, neither had spoken the feelings they held.

"You will see him again," Hope said.

"How do you know?"

"Your too smart to die. You would have calculated every single possibility of being unsafe before taking any action."

Anika smiled and leaned further into Hope's chest. Warmth radiated between their bodies, capturing the connection between them. Needing of affection. Wanting something more. Each little step up to the building of their temple, their relationship, seemed to pass by quicker than before. Feet speeding up creating each stepping stone to blur into one. Behind closed doors, both women shared their darkest secret, embarrassing moments, and most treasured memories. Trusting that both would keep them a secret from and unspoken and natural bond.

"You bring out a different side of me." Anika softly spoke.

"Well, I like it." Hope smiled.

"You like vulnerability. You like weakness." Anika had now turned around, facing the girl behind her.

"Vulnerability makes a leader a legend. Only the strongest can portray their biggest dreams whilst slowly admitting to their fears."

Hope stepped closer.

"I don't think weakness is in your vocabulary," Hope whispered. She stroked a small piece of Anika's natural curly black hair then ran it behind her ear, staring at each strand.

"So ..." Anika looked down, eyes occupying the floor.

"If I said I like you, you would like that."

Her head was lifted up by a small hand to the chin.

"I would."

The two held each other's hand as they went to find Hashim, telling him to go with Tanya and Deshi tonight. After a compliant head nod, the two women ran off into the darkness. Forgetting their responsibilities and clinging onto the facade that they were two teenagers in the midst of a forbidden romance, finally free from the judgment. Though no one would have judged them, the world would have. Each beaten bit of land was also barren of love. Now it had changed.

As they arrived at Anika's room, she was swept into a breath-taking kiss. Something she hadn't received in years. Each crevice of their lips combined, searching for the store of passion the other held. As the door opened, they broke apart. Gasps of breath between two confessions of desire. Before indulging in another lead by desire, they gave the other a peck. Just a small quick gesture of innocence to contrast the rest of their actions.

Until the morning came they would forget about the guns, tactics, and training. Now they would only bask in the glory of their hearts and make love until both felt safe in the depths of danger.

Meanwhile, Deshi was walking beside Tanya as they both slowly followed a sugar hooked Hashim who bounced his journey back. Slowly strolling as the happiness slowly faded, turning into fear. Being distracted slowly fell and formed into self-awareness. Both would be walking into battle tomorrow. Both may lose their life.

"Did you ever dream of a future, T?"

"Who doesn't" It being the truth that escaped her mouth. As night sky darkened, emotions started to shine bright. Everyone sought empathy. A common denominator of a need for more in life. A want for what their instincts voiced every waking moment. But also to be told that it is worthy to have those dreams, to fantasize about what could be but would never happen.

"What about?" Deshi was curious.

"Marriage. Children. You know the usual and boring excuses people come up with."

"Tell me the details." Deshi's eyes concentrated on Tanya.

"I always thought I would marry an architect. Find it intriguing how someone can construct something replicated a million times yet make it completely different. We would have four kids. Three boys one girl. I always wanted sons but a daughter would be nice too."

Deshi calmed as the explanation went on. It was nice to meet someone so young with so many aspirations. Normally people Tanya's age were quiet and seen as foolish yet she was one of the anomalies. She reminded Deshi of himself. Too many ambitions to stop him from being quiet.

"The first two boys would be three years apart and play with each other all the time. Always have the other's back and love to do every activity together, even if they acted like they despised it. Then the two younger would be twins that would spend time together working and partying through their life. Yet each would love the rest equally and never leave another behind."

Suddenly, Hashim jumped into Deshi's arms giggling as they had reached the room, insisting he should be carried to bed and only had the energy to sign that need. So as commanded they took him to bed and dropped him onto the mattress. Only a small thud sounded before two furrowed eyebrows and a middle finger appeared to the adults before he fell back onto the bed and straight to sleep. The two giggled at the young boy and copied the actions, lifting the duvet up and rolling into it.

"Night Deshi."

"Night T."

Before her eyes fell fully closed, she heard a small murmur from her friend across the room.

" I hope you dream about your future family."


She is back again, FINALLY!!

Sorry it has been so long, i have been extremely busy so from now i hope i can upload more of Global Warning more frequently!

Comment what you think!

Lots of love.

Winter <3

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