Chapter 23

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Deep breaths. Inhale then exhale. Repeat until calm.

Tanya was still severely on edge. The last thing in her memory was the masked face right in her peripheral vision. It scared her, to say the least. Now as she was slowly opening her eyes again, the darkness was all that consumed it. A black bag still covered her face and she knew who was behind it. Hands tied behind her back she couldn't enlighten herself to where she was but taking a guess it would be somewhere in Frost's bunker.

Time and thoughts consumed her being. would anyone realize she was missing? Did anyone care? Anxieties couldn't be stopped from running on replay. That's the thing. Sometimes when we need the most help we are just left with our thoughts. If only Tanya had her joyful sister in action or hopeful leader. Maybe if the calm and collected gym partner was present or the precious little boy who made her smile more than anyone else.

If only ...

The bag on top of Tanya's head was ripped off, bleeding light into her vision. The brightness took a few minutes to become accustomed to but when she had the scenery was unsettling. Four walls of white. No patterns. no words. just blank. All left untouched and boring as no life had ever been present.

A hidden door opened seeping red light into the room accompanying the shadow of the world's leader. his hair made parted and gelled whilst wearing the most pristine suit Tanya had ever seen. Unfortunately, the desirable exterior contrasted the disgusting mind of the man in front of her. he slowly crouched down coming to Tanya's eye level.

"We've been trying to get you for days. Seems like you're not as mighty as we once thought."

Tanya kept staring at the man not breaking eye contact. She would never be scared of him. No matter how much money or assets he had. Nothing could scare her.

"Fuck you."

Frost chuckled bowing his head and looking back up. Slowly he raised his hand to her neck and squeezed softly seizing some of her breath.

"Oh what a pretty face going to waste. If only you saw my reasoning."

His hand tightened.

"If only you followed my orders." He got closer to Tanya's face, spitting aggressively in a soft whisper "You could have been so much more!"

Tanya gasped after frost took his hand away but she never broke eye contact. The venom in her eyes could have killed a thousand humans who were too quick to underestimate her.

"You won't convert me. I will never give in. You can't break me!"

Leaning against the furthest wall Frost giggled again.

"Maybe not you but we can break him."

The guards dragged in a small kicking and screaming body, black bag dawning their head. The body didn't stop struggling until it was laid on the ground and the cover yanked from their face. This was when Tanya started to get truly scared of Frost. He had kidnapped the innocent boy she dearly loved.

Hashim looked up with anger and fear mixed in his eyes only for it to soften when he saw Tanya. At least she was there for him. He had run into two men at the party asking for the directions of the toilets. They had seemed so familiar but it was too late until he had realized it was from frost's broadcast. He had been covered and picked up.

When he had arrived at the bunker the distress had overtaken him leading to some provoked decisions. Those being returned with consequences of beatings which littered his dark skin. Tear stains were faintly visible too.

"The little shit has been unresponsive to everything we said to him so as you can see we gave him the right punishment. Now I shall leave you to it. I hope you enjoy the lovely speeches I prepared for you on repeat. Enjoy!" Frost smugly walked through the door slamming it shut behind him.

As the click was heard and the door was locked, the stupid words filtered the air. This being a tactic of Frost's. If you here manipulated information for long enough or it is repeated the right amount of times your subconscious would use that as the first information to go to. Simple psychology. Luckily for Tanya, she knew it couldn't affect Hashim. It looked like Frost didn't know the young boy was deaf, leaving a flaw in his logic.

At least Hashim didn't have to hear it but Tanya did. Reducing her to tears as ignorance flowed so easily from the president's mouth. The pain was evident in her features. The young boy beside her saw this and shuffled over and rested on her trying to soothe the pain.

It was working until the tannoy turned on.

"Our suspicions are correct. The boy is deaf. Good because that's what will make this even more fun for us to watch."

Tanya stared at the speaker. What more could he do?

"The boy's parents are dead right. Mother's throat was slit by yours truly. I caught her and didn't let go until the blood dripped on my shoes. You should have seen it Tanya it was mesmerizing. She was a screamer too which made it all the more fun."

Tanya could see the scene as it was described. What Hashim had to watch. What he had to see at such a young age.

"But that's not the best part. Remember the odd man out in your mystery object file. The one where you gained the last remaining piece of pure oxygen."

The vision of the man pulsated through her head. How vicious and bloodthirsty he was. The raging eyes and his fast running towards her. It was like seeing an animal in human form.

"The one that got killed all because you didn't help. You didn't save him like the rest. You save everyone Tanya but I guess he was beneath you wasn't he."

The silent tears turned into violent sobs, her chest heaving and body shaking. Hashim looked saddened and could only just keep pressing himself into Tanya trying to mimic a hug and calm her down.

"Stop!" She screamed, spit falling and mixing with her tears.

"How you couldn't save him from a bullet going through his brain. How you couldn't stop that little boy's father from falling lifelessly on the floor!"

"STOP!" She screeched leaning forward over Hashim's shoulder, laying her head in his small shoulders whilst violently shaking.

"You killed his father..."

"Just like you are going to get all the rest of those idiotic peasants killed."

She kept sobbing.

"You are the reason everyone is going to die!"


Hey guys,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as i loved writing it! Very tense and fun to write! What did you think to the twist?

Feel free to comment what you liked and anything you felt!

Also feel free to follow me on Instagram where i am posting reviews as well as my interactive story!

Lots of love,

Winter <3

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