Chapter 17

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After drying her tears away, Tanya returned to her normal self. Now she was alongside her three comrades on the journey to meet someone special. Someone breathtaking. Pure beauty and immaculate standards.

Well, at least that is what they are like according to Anika.

It's true that Tanya trusted Anika. One hundred percent. With her whole life even. However, the look of chaos and power mixing as it swirled in the elder's eyes left a spot of anxiety in her stomach. The abundance of humanity and living in the current setting adding to this slow-growing queasiness.

"Why are we here Ani?" Hope asked. The one thing on all of the trio's mind was this question. Cool, cold air rushed to arise behind them trickling up their spines causing the skin to bump. It would have seemed normal to everyone ... if it had been twenty years ago. The heat never reached below twenty degrees Celsius. That is what showed the three they were in danger. That is when they realized they weren't alone.

Humans weren't the only race on the planet.

"Do you think God is real?" Anika was entranced looking directly behind them. Adoration graced the features of her face. A sickly smirk painted on her face. Never had she appeared so possessed by feelings. Was Anika truly safe? Had they been lured into a false reality? This was the same woman who had cuddled Tanya as she collapsed to the ground in anger. Yet there was not an ounce of evidence left of that person. The three dared not to move, stuck to the spot as the coldness seized.

Hope reached out to the leader who happily returned and held the hand that had reached out. "Ani, god would have helped us if he was real."


The three were clueless.

"What do you mean?" Deshi looked from Anika to Tanya. What was going on? Maybe Frost had released another crazy chemical and it had got to Anika. Surely God is just a concept of religion. To have power over so many.

"She has been helping to restore our earth for years. She is Los Elementos son superiores." The words were dark and dragged out. Breathing had synchronized with the rapid heartbeat of the three.

They all turned around to see a clouded cylinder replicating two long legs. Gazes turned upwards to find a soft smile from a giant spirit of cloudiness. Big blue round eyes and puffy cheeks dawned the face of a frighteningly cute element. Then it raised one of its gigantic hands to wave slowly at the three.

Deshi had his mouth agape, still too frightened to move. Hope moved back into the arms of her almost lover. Tanya was fascinated. Raising her arm she waved back at the harmless ghoul, to which it's smile had grown. It then knelt down to be face to face with the tiny human. Eye to eye, love ran through the deep sea of memories. Slowly leaning in, Tanya excepted the mountains of arms that came to hug her. A small whimper accompanying it.

"She says she is sorry." Anika again.


"She didn't mean to hit you in the battle. The one where we met."

It had been the dainty hands of this entity which had nearly thrown her multiple miles from her hiding spot. The power that this supposed god had couldn't be compared. How could so much superiority be harnessed into one being? It was marvelous.

"Her name is Ellie. She has the power of all the elements. Our savior. Our god." Clearly, Anika had a close relationship with the so-called Ellie. That's why Hope had started to slowly walk towards the cloud of being and Deshi started to slowly push his hands towards the smoke. The face brightened as Ellie got ready to show her skills.

A slow circular movement of her hands leads to the appearance of fire which quickly vanished with each flame collapsing into a drop of water free falling to the floor. Little giggles of amazement sounded from the small group. All slowly turning into children wanting more. Ellie picked some of the water from the ground and crushed it in her hands to create a small ball of snow. Something which had been extinct since the first year of jasper's reign. Then, for her final trick, Ellie slowly lifted her free hands. At first, confusion was at the surface of our trio. That was diminished as they looked from each other to the ground, which they were no longer standing on. Floating above the ground. Fascinating.

Slowly they returned to the ground still in awe of what had just happened. Now they knew why they had to restore the earth. Ellie was the environment, shoved from her home at the hands of jasper. Now she was fighting for her home back. The Los Elementos were her disciples, recruited to train and rebel as to restore faith and health back into the world.

Only jasper stood in there way.

After discussing more about why Ellie stayed in the area away from the camp and what she will do to help, they returned to camp. Ellie was an escapade to which they never wanted to stop talking about. Unfortunately, she needed to be kept a secret. If Frost found her the fight would be over. Everyone would be dead. So no more talk of her entered the camp. Only terror and despair reigned.

Lines of people waited for a gun, knife, and bulletproof armor. Every single person here was going to fight. Since the last fight more had joined to which Tanya couldn't fathom. War was going to overcome the world and everyone was preparing to run straight into it. Innocence no longer hid within the children as they handed out the equipment.

War was among them. Only two options are available.

Fight or die.


Hey guys,

hope you enjoyed the chapter. It may be a bit messy as i was struggling for content of this chapter and kind of hadn't a scene planned in my mind so yeah sorry. Tell me hat you think in the comments as i would love to know! especially about Ellie!

Lots of love,

Winter <3

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