Chapter 20

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Tanya's body hit the floor.

"You could have at least pre-warned me asshole!" She exclaimed with eyes like daggers, looking up.

"Well will Frost pre-warn your arse when he shoots you in the face?" Deshi shouted back. He had decided to take Tanya by surprise when starting their training and she definitely wasn't ready when he tackled her straight to the floor. This surprise was also not one she was happy with.

Duck, left hook, right hook, duck again, jab. It was the regular pattern for the two to get used to hand to hand fighting and becoming a ritual to them. So when they got bored they decided to spar. In this gym, it didn't matter your age, gender, or fighting skills it just mattered how hard you could hit. In the world of war, rage is all that matters. So neither took it personally when they clipped the other's jaw or bruised their knuckles. It was all just experience.

After working rigorously for hours the two decided to take a well-deserved break. Muscles aching and joints sore, they eased their pain with ice packs, drinking water, and taking comfort in each other's words. That's the thing about speech. If you use it for positivity, you can empower a population. use it for negativity and chaos will prevail.

"Can't we just kill him already so we don't have to do this anymore?" Tanya laid down trying to gain specs of energy.

"What? Training or waiting?" Deshi replied.

Tanya sat back up and looked down towards her water bottle, fiddling with the cap trying to treat the anxiety which is slowly building up inside her. The truth was Tanya liked to be prepared, especially when lives would be put at stake. Innocent people who didn't want to involve themselves could die because of her actions, because of her anger. just because you fight for what is right doesn't mean you forget the repercussions on everything else.

"Did I ever tell you why I got into protesting?"

Tanya shook her head. Why was Deshi saying this?

"My brother had severe asthma - like asthma which made him have asthma attacks every two months or so." His hands started to shake faintly. It clearly wasn't easy for him to speak yet he continued.

"He died. The pollution in the air got too much that when he went to school one day he collapsed. Do you want to know how long it took for it to kill him?" Anger had now formed in his eyes wanting revenge, wanting justice.

"How long?"

"20 minutes. We dropped him off and he collapsed as soon as he reached the classroom. Every day I think it should have been me. Me who died not him but then I realized. I could either let people slowly die or I could speak up. I could challenge the social norms and change the rules, change the world. Lives matter more than money, some people have forgotten that." Deshi wiped his tears which had fallen through his speech trying to cover up the fact they ever existed.

Tanya sat next to him and took a hold of his wrist pulling it away so he couldn't wipe the droplets anymore.

"You need to cry sometimes Desh, it's okay to cry." Smiling timidly another tear dropped not holding back anymore.

"How old was he, your brother?"

"Seventeen." he had looked her straight in the eye as he spoke the number. Maybe this was why he looked out for her in training. He needed to be the big brother again.

"So if you are ever doubting whether it is worth it, remember some people don't have the chance to wait. They don't have the chance to fight back." Deshi never had a filter but his speech brought a new perspective. One of vulnerability.

"Frost has been killing innocent people for years. It's just now he is physically there to do it."

They kept speaking about general things. What food they enjoyed most and about family members past and present, cherishing the little things that they hadn't before. Every now and then they decided a hug was needed to take away a bit of the sadness but no more tears escaped. Just basked in the energy of reliving their life before the Los Elementos. Before they became warriors.

"You know, you never told me your dream. What you wanted for the future?" Tanya was curious to see what would be the answer as she had already shared her part.

"I only really had the dream when Frost kept me imprisoned," he replied.

"What was it?"

He smirked with a little chuckle coming from the breath he held.

"To get a better president. One who would care about the environment. Care for those who are not well off so I could get have a family, I wasn't big on marriage though so just children."

Tanya smiled asking one last question.

"Where are you going to find that president?"

"Just across from me."


Hey guys,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and i would love some feedback in the comments about what you liked and what you want t see more of. Sorry the chapter is also smaller than normal as i didn't want to drag it out but didn't want to add any more to it.

Hope to see you reading here again.

Lots of love

Winter <3

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