Chapter 3: Abs are Made in the Kitchen

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Yue arrived right on the dot. Didi just woke up from bed when he opened the door. "Shit!" he blurted out, remembering something. "Sorry, I mean good morning, Coach." Yue raised her eyebrow and eyed him. "Oh, please come in." "Thank you Wang He Di." She wheeled her luggage in and on her left hand she had another box of what seemed like fresh foods.

"Which one is my room?" She asked. Didi touched the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly "Sorry coach I forgot you're supposed to be here. I have not cleaned up the room yet."

"Ok no problem. Then I can pick which one to stay." "Just don't be alarm when you see it" he said and showed her the first room. There were piles and piles of clothes on the bed. And some were on the side table. Yue turned to him and said coolly "Have you heard? If you want to get your life changed, first mow your garden." Didi looked confused. "But I don't have a garden." Yue pointed to the pile of clothes. "It also refers to cleaning up your home."

She turned and started walking to the other room. "What bout the second room?" "Coach, no...." she paused at the doorway and smiled. "I didn't know you own a shoe store in your home, Wang He Di." The second room was filled with shoes! Boxes and boxes were piled up on the floor, next to the wardrobe. It was impossible to walk around or even find the shoes to wear. "Sorry coach, I have not set up a proper shoe organizer yet. I'm not always like this." he mumbled apologetically. She nodded. "Say that a few more times and you will believe your own story."

She saw some Nike boxes and was tempted to see what was inside. Truth to the told, Yue's collection of shoes was probably half of this room. She had so many that she has to store some in Jia and Wei's rooms. They complained all the time and asked when she could move her shoes out. Yue put a hand over her mouth to stifle a chuckle. Looks like Wang He Di and Shen Yue had something in common finally.

Didi watched her expression but could not understand why there was a smile on her eyes. It was nice to see her smile. When she turned to look at him, her face was cool again. "I will take the first room. Come help me."

Immediately she got into action. "Put the dirty ones in the basket and the clean ones here. I will help you sort them out later." They moved quickly and within minutes, the laundry basket was full. Didi was apologetic about it. "My machine broke down for weeks and I have not gotten it repaired." She looked at him, questioningly. "Oh, I will call the guy today." "Okay we will send this for wash then. Now let's go to your room."

Didi looked aghast. "What..why do you want to see my room?" She smiled slowly. "Your sleep is important. I want to see the environment that you sleep in." Before he could say anything, she was walking towards his room. It was much cleaner but she could smell something funny in the air. She sniffed. "When was the last time you changed your bedsheet?" She asked touching the bed.

"Urm....a month ago. The maid called in sick and I could not find a replacement."
"Don't you have hands, Wang He Di?" She asked sarcastically. Didi's ears burned.
"Bring out the sheets and for my room too."

Together, they worked to change both sheets. Then, she walked around his room to touch the surface of the tables and wardrobe. "Any cloth?" he quickly dashed out and got her what she wanted. "Just wiped that area and I will do this side."

After the cleaning, the air in the room was better. She opened the windows to let sunshine come in. Didi watched the back of her figure. This tiny woman could be infuriating but she was right. He felt much better in his own room already.

"Time for kitchen makeover!" She announced. Didi's eyes widened. What is this woman going to do in his kitchen now? "Wang He Di, why don't you bring the clothes down to the laundry while I busy at the kitchen? It makes things more productive this way. Hurry, don't just stare at me." He took one last glance at her before grabbing the bag of clothes.

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