Epilogue 2: Take 100% Responsibility

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The flight back to Hunan was pleasant. Yue's doctor had given her clearance to fly but gently reminded her not to exert herself in the first trimester. Given that she had been adopting a healthy active lifestyle, the doctor was very encouraging towards her continuing her workout routines with light weight lifting.

Yue felt great. No morning sickness or nausea so far, except that she needed an extra nap in the afternoon. The only emotions going through her now was the anticipation of her parents' reaction. Didi put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed it. "Don't worry. Let me do the talking." She nodded and put her head on his shoulder. Didi seemed to be reading her mind quite well.

When they arrived home in the evening, her parents greeted them warmly. "Yue Yue! And Didi! Have you grown more handsome since the last time I met you?" Yue's mom hugged Yue and patted Didi on his shoulder. Papa Shen watched them and beamed.

Didi nodded and shook his hand. "Hello uncle, aunty, I just came back from my World Tour. I'm planning to eat as much Hunan food as possible this weekend!"

Mama Shen beamed. "Yes, I have prepared your favorites- Mao's braised pork and Dong'an chicken. Maybe they don't taste as good as Yue's."
"Aunty, yours is the best." he replied enthusiastically.
Yue pouted "Hey! You said that because you want to get into mama's good books."
Didi laughed.

They both went inside the house and dropped off their luggages. It was close to dinner time so Yue helped Mama in the kitchen. Her baby brother was out with his friends and would be home soon.

Didi sat with Papa Shen at the verandah. He offered him a cigarette but Didi politely declined. "I'm trying to cut down my smoking, uncle. Yue doesn't really like it."
Papa Shen laughed. "Oh, you are afraid of her now even before you marry her."
Didi blushed. "I respect her when she coached me and that had never changed. Besides, we do have something we want to announce today."

Papa Shen raised his eyebrow. "Oh?" Then, he looked straight ahead. "When Yue said she will be coming home with you, I expect something is happening. Are you asking me for her hand in marriage?"

Didi turned and looked at Papa Shen. "Yes, Uncle. I love her very much and I want to take care of her. Will you give us your blessing?"

There was a few seconds of silence from Papa Shen and Didi felt like he was being tested. He did not see any excitement on his face, nor any reactions.

Suddenly, Papa Shen asked. "Is Yue pregnant?" Didi was taken aback. He had not expected Papa to respond that way. Should he tell him now or Yue should do it? Either way, he had to tell the truth. "Yes." He heard Papa Shen took a deep breath. He quickly added, "Uncle, I did not propose to her because of that. In fact, I had made the decision once I came back. I'm sorry if you are upset. But it was not her fault. I will take full responsibility."

Another few seconds of silence. Didi began to feel awkward. He had a sinking feeling that Papa Shen was waiting the right moment to slash him.

Papa Shen then asked him quietly "What are your plans in the next 10 years? Are you still going to be a model?"

Didi shook his head. "No, I'm planning to set up my own image consultant company. I had just completed my fashion design course and in discussion of partnering with several people as well. My priority is the family." Didi wished he had some signs of approval from Yue's father but he was so cool.

"Do you really promise to put family and Yue first?" Papa asked.
"What if you fail to do so?"
"I'm not perfect but I will do whatever it takes to keep the family together."

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