Epilogue 5: Do Not Let The Sun Go Down...

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While her first two trimesters were blissful, the third one however, caught her unprepared. She started having back pain, and fatigue. Leg bloatedness became a norm. She lost a little appetite due to heartburn. Her tummy had grown really big. Didi had to put pillows behind her and in between her legs so she could sleep properly. Yue started to admire her mother who had two pregnancies and Hsu-Jie for having three. And all the other women in the world who bear children!

She was sleeping in so much for a few days that made Didi worried about her. But the most worrying thing was she insisted to continue her daily routine of going to the gym, creating video content and even agreed to help a friend to model maternity fashion and activewear. "I would rather stay active than be at home whole day not doing anything. Don't worry, I will remember to rest when I need". she assured Didi.

He had a trip to Chicago, Ford Models home base, scheduled for a week and that was the time they had their first quarrel since they officially tied the knot.

"Didi, there is no need to ask your mom to come. I can take care of myself" she said repeatedly. Didi insisted. "No, Yue, please. Don't let me worry about you."

She got a little agitated. "I have been taking care of myself since I moved to Shanghai many years ago. What is the difference now?"

"You are pregnant, for heaven's sake! You just had heartburn last week and didn't eat for few days. Yue, please! It's not a time to be stubborn." Didi pleaded.

"Then, you stay. I don't want to bother Ma." She pouted.

"You know I cannot skip this trip. It's our company's final meeting with Ford Models. We need their back-up." Didi was reasoning with her.

"Yeah, you go set up your things. I will do fine on my own. Your company is more important." Her feelings were all over the place by now.

"Shen Yue!! Do you know I care about you the most? That is why I need to do this before our babies arrived." Dylan explained. "Why are you being difficult?" He knew he blew it once he said that. He wished he could take back his words but it was too late.

"Am I?!! Being pregnant is difficult! Just let me be." Yue shouted and she stomped off to their room, leaving Didi agape. She wished Didi did not treat her like she was totally helpless. She could take care of herself with or without him. Her back ache was acting up and she desperately needed to lie down. She changed into her pyjamas and quickly got in bed before Didi entered the bedroom. A word from her papa came to her thought "Never go to bed angry." But, she dismissed it immediately. It's not my fault that he is over-worried, she sulked. Slow breathing did not help, so she forced shut her eyes to sleep.

Didi sat down, feeling both angry and despaired. He had not seen her this upset since the time he competed in the model contest. He leaned back on the sofa and looked up the ceiling, taking a few deep breaths. Why must she be so independent and strong? A small voice spoke "Isn't that the reason you fell in love with her?"

He went into the room to change after he had calmed down. Yue was sleeping when he entered the room. He sighed, watching her. Tomorrow morning he would have an early flight out. He felt uneasy leaving her when they just quarreled but he had obligations to attend to. Hopefully by tomorrow they would feel better and could talk about it. "Good night, Yue." he whispered. Sleeping in the living room tonight would help to clear his head. As he laid down on the sofa, looking at the ceiling, he hated himself for not saying sorry quick enough. It was silly to win a small battle when he felt he had lost the war.


Yue was awakened by painful sensations in both her arms, that felt like it was seeping through her veins. "Didi...." she called out. When she realized that the space next to her was cold, she started crying softly. Why had she been so stupid to start arguing with him yesterday?

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