Chapter 17: Relationship is like Sand

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"Jia Qi, did you notice anything strange with Yue lately?" Zi Wei asked. Jia Qi looked at Yue who was again exercising at home. "Nothing."
"Exactly!!! Nothing!"
"Jia! You are so dense. She is NOT supposed to be normal. She left Didi because his ex showed up. I would rather see her cry or get hysterical or drunk!"
Suddenly, it dawned upon Jia Qi, "She is in denial!"

"Who is in a denial?" Yue asked when she stopped her music in her headphone.
"Yue! Aren't you mad that Didi's ex just came back and dismiss you like that? And Didi, you should be angry with him. He didn't come after you at all." Zi Wei said.

Yue looked at both of them, exasperated. "Girls, I don't have the rights to be mad. Didi chose her. We didn't have anything to start with in the beginning." Except that they kissed. This feeling would never go away, she thought, ignoring the sinking feeling in her.  She started doing her jump rope. The more she did, the lighter her emotions were. That was what she had being doing since she left his apartment. Daily intense workouts, running mostly as that helped to calm her down, despite that she had also cried during running when she thought about them.

"You were close to confessing to him, Yue! Don't you care about him?"

Yue stopped immediately and threw her rope down. She looked at her housemates, who were surprised by her sudden action. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke. "It's because I care too much about him that I'm not going to jeopardize his career. He had to focus on the contest, not deal with BGR issue." A tear trickled down her face and she quickly brushed it away. They saw but kept quiet. They finally understood her. She was willing to sacrifice herself and avoid confrontations so Didi could get what he had worked hard for. Wouldn't that be cowardly?

"I know you girls think I'm a coward." Yue said. Her housemates blushed. They forgot that she knew how to read minds.

"We didn't....Yue, we just feel you ought to stand up for yourself." Zi Wei said softly.
"When you finally found someone you love." Jia Qi continued.

The next thing Yue said moved them deeply. "Loving someone does not mean possessing them. That will be selfish." She gathered her mat and jump rope and left for her room.

The girls looked at each other.
"I thought I knew Yue but she is too profound for me."
"Let's just be there for her when she needs it."


Yue had avoided going to the same gym Didi went, if she needed to move on. But this time she felt she might not recover. Or it would take even a longer time. She had fallen in love too deeply with Didi without even realizing it. It might be since day 1 when she took up the assignment. Or it could be the middle of it. It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment she fell for the Sichuan boy. But she never regretted anything at all.

One month passed since she left his home when a phone call came changed everything.

"Mike I can't do this!"
"Yue, I don't see you have a choice. I need an assistant and you're the best candidate."
"Mike......please...." her voice cracked. The thought of seeing him again scared her.
"Everything happens for a reason, Yue. It's just for two sessions. There will be one live session and one recorded, for the final video. You don't even need to see him personally."
She paused on the phone. She could not say no to Mike.
"Okay. I will do it."
"Thank you! Press conference is tomorrow. Wear something nice. No sports attire!" He hang up the phone before Yue could respond.
"Damn you, Mike."

All she could think of what to wear was the pink suit Didi gifted her. Don't think too much. It's just a suit.


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