Chapter 18: Through Thick and Thin

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That morning marked a brand new day for Didi. He had set his eyes on the prize. He was determined to win both the contest and the woman of his life. She had no idea how much she had penetrated his heart and mind in the past few months. He would not allow anything to stop him from winning her back.

He cheerfully jogged to the studio at the hotel where they would be doing the live workout today. The media had set up connections to all social media in China and internationally so everyone could watch the session. He was at the best shape of his life, so a live session would not intimidate him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yue walking in with Mike. She looked absolutely divine in her yellow tank top and black Nike leggings with the latest AJs. Wait, is that the same pair she got for him? He looked down at his. Yes! It was a matching pair. Didi glowed. So far, he had scored one point for her pink suit and now the shoes. His confidence level grew. Didi waved at Yue and she smiled. Her hair was bundled up on top and she had a little make up and light lipstick. He could never get tired of watching her.

"Can't take your eyes off her, eh?" Yi Bo teased. During the contest period, both of them had become buddies. Didi blushed. "She does look beautiful today. As always. Makes me feel like giving her a kiss." He said, watching Didi whose face suddenly turned 'black'. He put his arm around Yi Bo's neck and headlocked him. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Yi Bo laughed and removed Didi's arms. "Relax, bro. She's all yours. But you better make the move fast or else someone else would." He said beckoning Didi to a contestant, Wang RunZe who was talking to Yue. "Damn. Why does she have so many admirers?" Didi said. Yi Bo put his arm around Didi. "Because she is Shen Yue. Now, hurry up and remove him from
the scene before we start." pushing Didi to the front.

Didi took a few steps and cleared his throat when he arrived. Yue paused looked up at Didi. "Wang He Di, may I help you? We are about to start." RunZe turned around and saw a grinning Didi. "Oh I'm looking for RunZe. Yi Bo and I have saved you a spot next to us. So we can support each other. Come!" He said pulling his arm, leading him away from Yue. RunZe reluctantly left the spot and Yi Bo was chuckling quietly watching the whole scene.


"Welcome everyone to our first live workout. We will be doing HIIT today. It has 10 workouts in 30 minutes. Make sure you stay hydrated. Are you ready?" asked Mike. Everyone was excited and shouted 'Yes!'

"Yue will be doing the modified version so if you feel tired, you can follow her. We also have a few organizers who dared to join us today. Please welcome them too!"

The HIIT training was moderately tough but everyone survived. They had a good time and gave cheers to Mike and Yue for facilitating. Yue felt fulfilled and was glad she accepted the invitation. The staff started giving out food boxes to everyone. As usual, she would only take a protein shake after workout. She handed her meal box to one of the crew member who gladly took it.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream. The crew member threw her box on the floor. "Blood!" She screamed. It was something red on the meal but Yue was skeptical it was blood. She bent down and took it in her fingers and sniffed it. It smelled like paint.

Didi came rushing to her side and pulled her up. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "I'm fine. Didi, it was meant to be my lunch box. Someone is trying to give me a warning." Didi looked at the contents of the meal spilled all over the floor. "What warning?" She shrugged. "I don't know. But obviously I am not welcomed here today. Is your meal box okay?" He grinned. "You know I don't eat after workout right?" Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed into his eyes. "Yes, I know." For a few seconds they stood there until someone cleared his throat. It was one of the event assistants. "I heard there was something in your meal box, Ms. Shen. I am so sorry. Can I get you another one?"
Yue shook her head. "Maybe you can get the crew some food. I don't need any. Thank you." The assistant scampered away while the cleaner came to clean up the mess on the floor.

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