Chapter 12: Once Bitten, Twice (not) Shy

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"Stop laughing!! You guys are the worst!"
Didi grumbled. His lips was still painful after two days.

"I'm sorry! It's just too funny!" Kang said his eyes were full of tears and he was brushing them away.

Xi Ze was rolling on the floor holding his stomach.  "This is epic! Serves you right Didi! Hahaha I cannot!"

Kuan closed his mouth and tried to stop laughing but his eyes were full of tears "I have seen it in drama but I didn't know it can happen real life too!"

"Makes me think that Coach Shen can really fight off anything in the world," Kang said, still laughing. They were meeting in Xi Ze's apartment  for a drink. Didi showed up in his mask, to their curiosity. There was nothing he could hide from his buddies.

"I admire her now...for her biting skills! Hahahahaha!" Xi Ze added.

Poor Didi was red in his face and ears. He regretted showing up tonight. Right now, he wished the ground would open up and swallow him.

"You guys have no compassion at all." He sulked, covering his face with the pillow.

"Okay, guys let's stop laughing."

"Or we can continue later."

Again, they burst out. Didi sighed.

Finally, Kuan said something profound. "Didi, everything happens for a reason."

Didi looked at Kuan in surprise. "She said the same thing! What the fa? All this mumbo jumbo "everything happens for a reason." What reason? Ouch!" He accidentally licked his wound.

Kuan smiled. "You will know soon enough."

"Kuan, you sound spooky. I'm frustrated she didn't remember anything about our kiss!" complained Didi.

"Not even the bite?"

Didi shook his head.

"This woman is dense."

"Too much workouts are killing her brain cells."

"Why do you want her to remember kissing you? Is it important to you?" Xi Ze asked suddenly.

"I.....I just thought....."he trailed off. He could not explain why himself.

"Do you like her, Didi?"

Didi was taken aback by that question. "I don't know. It was a spur of a moment thing. Now, I feel stupid."

"Didi, we cannot help you. You need to be certain of how you feel about her." Xi Ze pointed out

"I think.....I care about her." He said quietly.

"I just hope you are not having a rebound. Making her a replacement for your ex." Kuan said.

"How can that be possible?!" Didi exclaimed.

"Totally possible. You can mistaken physical attraction for feelings." Xi Ze continued after Kuan, who nodded.

"My advice Didi, if you don't have feelings for her, don't make her think otherwise. Especially Shen Yue with what she had been through in the past." Kuan said.

"My advice is, better not to get into any relationships at all. We are still young to be tied down," said Kang.

"You just have not met the right one, Kang!" Kuan warned him.

Xi Ze put his arm around Didi, "My advice to you is don't follow any of our advices!" The others looked at him questioningly.

"Because we are not you." Xi Ze smiled. Did sighed. "I think I should focus on the  contest first. Everything else can wait."

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