Chapter 20: To Love and To Be Loved

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"Welcome back to the final round of our China Model Search 2021! What amazing performances from our contestants. I love the fallen angel scene," gushed Xie Na. Didi blushed when he was mentioned. All the fifteen contestants were standing on the stage for judges to pick the five finalists.

"Na-jie, stop being bias. I think the Wild Wild West was pretty cool and the Terra-cotta warrior was very interesting too." Yi Bo smiled. All he did was walked like a robot and showed them his sword, with a stoic expression.

The hosts then explained that the top five would answer a simple question before they announce the winner.

"Yue! Do you think Didi will get to be top 5?" whispered Zi Wei.
She nodded. "He will."

When he came back to the room after his angel performance, Yue had waited for him and helped him changed back into his evening wear. She did not speak a word, neither did he. When she used a cloth to clean the drawings on his chest, her heart was fiercely thumping on her chest. She did not dare look at him. She could also sense his breathing was heavy. She lifted her head to smile at him when it was done and he nodded. "Thank you, Yue. Did I do well?" He finally asked. "You were amazing." she said. The room was bustling with people and it was not a place to chat more. The models had to get dressed and do their final line-up. As he was walking away, he turned and called out. "Yue, I will see you at the post-event party, okay! After my win." He winked. Yue nodded and smiled.

"Now the finalists for tonight are.....drumroll please..." Jackson announced.
"Wang RunZe
Wang Yi Bo
Lin Yi
Chen Feiyu
And finally our fallen angel, Wang He Di!"

Yue and Zi Wei jumped up and screamed. There were whistling in the entire hall and banners were raised. The crowd went crazy. "So there we have the final five! Please step forward. Thank you all the other contestants." Xie Na bowed a little, gesturing them to backstage.

The five took a step forward and smiled at the audience. A lady wheeled out a fish bowl with ping pong balls.

"In the next session which I believe should be the easiest for you gentlemen...."Jackson started but interrupted by Xie Na.
"Jackson, this is a model contest, why do they need to answer questions? All they do is walk, stare and pose," she said as she did all those, to the crowd's amusement.

"Tssk, tssk...Na-jie, you really underestimate us models. It's not enough to have the looks or the poses, it's important to have wits, right attitude and mindset." Jackson explained and Xie Na nodded in agreement. "In that case, each of you will be picking a ping pong ball with a number. The number is attached to one of the judges and she or he will ask you a question of their choice." The contestants nodded in understanding. "Let's have Wang RunZe first."

RunZe picked number 2. The question was "If you did not win tonight, what will you do?"
He paused and pondered. "I will try and try again and keep learning till I am successful. Because this is a journey." The crowd applauded. "Thank you RunZe for a great answer!" said Jackson.

"Up next is Wang Yi Bo. Please pick a number."
Yi Bo picked number 5.
"Wang Yi Bo, please answer this question. The sun is round and the moon is round. Why do you think they are not squares?"
Jackson looked at Xie Na. "I'm glad I'm not a contestant. Yi Bo?"

Yi Bo was calm. He gazed at the audience and confidently answered, "It's because the universe is love and love always go 'A-ROUND' the world. I love you all." He bowed.

Zi Wei let out a scream "He is so good! Yue, can you please introduce me to him? I like him already."
Yue held her friend's arm and pulled her. "Wei, sit down!" She giggled. Wei and Yi Bo would make a perfect match.

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