Chapter 15: A Goal Without a Plan is just a Wish

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"Did you see that? Coach Shen is checking Didi out." said Kang.

"She is always checking him." Xi Ze replied nonchalantly.

"I mean checking him out as in oogling. Look!" Kang said as his eyes beckoned the other two towards their direction.

True enough Yue was watching Didi as he lift bar but it was a soft look, with a naughty smile.

"I think they have crossed the boundary." Kang said, with a smug smile.

"You think so?" Kuan asked.

"She is not the only one. Look at Didi."

He was holding her waist as she did her knee up. With a lopsided smile on his face, his eyes watched her body as she moved her knees.

"Skin contact! I'm not surprised. Our friend haven't mated for at least a year and Yue might even be a v......" Kang said excitedly.

"Hey, time to have some finesse in your language." Xi Ze suggested.

"What I mean is Yue is a very nice girl. Happy?" Kang corrected his words.

"Better. She is firm but she is good for him." Xi Ze said.

"Didn't Didi say Zhou Ye have been texting him since he posted his Arxan video?" Kuan asked.

"She wants him back now? Too late." Xi Ze said, while doing his bicep curls.

"It's his decision. He was so madly in love with her when they got started." Kang said as he did his pull-ups.

"She broke his heart when she left. If I were Didi, I will just tell her off. He got someone better now." Kuan said.

"I hope he is strong enough to put his foot down." Xi Ze said.

"Look at them!" Kang pointed out.

Didi was whispering something in her ears and she was giggling, with her hand over his mouth.

"They look so horny..."

"Kang, language!"

"Okay okay, they look so eager."


The girls were having a pamper time at Didi's house before preparing for a celebration party tonight in conjunction with his prelim contest. The F4 boys were in charge of bringing him home for the surprise. Yue got them each a footbath and mud mask which was a very girly thing to do, much to her housemates' curiousity of the change in her.

"Spill the beans. Are you going out with Didi?" Jia Qi asked.

"You shouldn't talk when you're doing the mud mask. Didi said you need to wait at least 15 minutes." Yue said.

Zi Wei and Jia Qi looked at each other. Now, they knew who taught Yue to do footbaths and mud masks. "How often do you guys do this together?"

"Oh, we just started after...." Yue stopped realizing that she was giving away too much details. She had not prepared to share with the girls. The truth was she did not know how to. Since that intimate moment with Didi, she had allowed him to kiss her and hold her hand but they never once talked about feelings or relationship. It was like something they avoided.

"After what....?" Jia Qi asked.

Yue blushed but it was hidden behind the mask. "After we kissed...."

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