Epilogue 3: Above All Things, Love

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Yue did not realize how much things she had until her bags lined up at the hallway. She gasped. Three large suitcases of shoes, another three for her clothes and the rest were books and others. There were total of 9 bags. "Gosh! How on earth can I fit all these in Didi's apartment?"

Her housemates grinned cheekily. "We have warned you about the shoes from years ago! And since you are pregnant, you need to get some pregnant or loose clothes. I know just the right store to shop those. I can bring you after you settle down," Zi Wei offered.

Yue groaned. Then, she looked at her friends, pleadingly. "Can I leave some of my things here till I sort out the space issue? Didi had even more shoes that I have." They had not discussed this earlier since Didi insisted that she moved in before their wedding day. She was now imagining crawling babies, two adults and all their things in the apartment, on top of children's toys, clothes....she quickly shook that thought away. Thinking about it was unnerving her.

"Oh, don't worry you can use our space. And you come back to sleep here anytime." Jia Qi said cheerfully. Zi Wei slapped her back. "What nonsense! Do you want them to quarrel?" Realizing the implication of her words, Jia Qi covered her mouth and giggled. "Sorry Yue! I meant we will still keep the room for your things until you are ready to move them out."

The doorbell rang and Zi Wei opened the door. She squealed. "Yue! Look we have big babies here!" Dressed up in baby costumes, Kang and Kuan grinned. "We are here to help Mrs Wang He Di with her luggages. At your service."

Yue laughed till her sides ached. They even had a baby matching hat and a pacifier each! Kang said "Didi made us wear this. He said we are the welcoming party." The girls roared. "Did you wear it all the way here?" They nodded.

"When it's my turn to get married, I will take my revenge," said Kang firmly, with Kuan nodding in agreement. The boys quickly hauled Yue's bags. She left the bags of shoes behind, since she still have a few pairs in the other bags. The girls hugged Yue. "We will take care of your wedding arrangements. Just relax." Zi Wei assured Yue, was tearing up. "I will miss you girls. But we will meet often."

"Group hug!" shouted Kuan and Kang, who reached out their long arms around the girls, much to their protest.

When they arrived at Didi's apartment, another big 'baby' was waiting downstairs. "Mama! I want milk," this one cried. Yue took out an imaginary bottle and stuffed it to his mouth. "Xi Ze, you are the biggest baby among all." He grinned. "No, Didi is. Please go up. We will get your luggages up after 10 minutes. That is our order."

Yue gave him a wide-eyed look, wanting to ask more but decided to just go with the flow. She waved goodbye to the three big babies who were sucking on their pacifiers. What is Didi up to now?

She keyed in the access code in his apartment and opened the door. She could not believe her eyes! In a short two weeks, Didi had a home makeover! No wonder he had not asked her to come over recently. And she thought he needed his "me" time before she moved in.

The living room sofa was new and rearranged, giving a sense of space and relaxation. There were new shelves or shoe racks, she could not decide, by the side of the wall near the door. Even the kitchen wall had a new coat of paint.

"Didi?" She called out. It was quiet. She smelled her favorite lavender scent in the air, instantly putting her at ease. She walked into her old room and gasped. It was transformed into a baby room, with a baby cot, changing table, comfy looking armchair, wardrobe for clothes. The room was repainted in a light cream and soft lavender color. Yue smiled. She has a smart hubby. Who knows the gender of the babies? The conventional pink is for girls and blue for boys but lavender is a breath of fresh air for both genders.

Training Mr Right Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora