Official Report

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Once Morgan and I were well clear of Vampire hearing range, and then some, Morgan stopped before we went into the main house and said "I know that you heard what I heard."

"That Tommy is not an uneducated hick that cannot add up two and two?" I asked.

"Exactly that." Morgan agreed.

I scanned Morgan's body language but she possesses as much body control as I do. On the other hand, I know her pretty well now, and if she is locking down, it is because she does not want to be readable. If she does not want to be readable it is because she is thinking about it and wants to present fully formed ideas and opinions.

"I have no idea why Tommy tries so hard to hide things like that, but I do not like it. I have no idea if this is because his world is upside down NOW or he has always tried to be underestimated for some reason. I do think that we need to understand it. I need to. I cannot function honestly in any report I make to his subcommittee without knowing the why of this. It is not me being snoopy: I am a live-and-let-live kinda guy. At the same time, despite the threats, we have been open with him, and I do not like that he thinks he needs to hide things." I rambled, somewhat frustrated.

Morgan smiled over at me, and touched my cheek. "We will figure it out, Adrian. Why you married me."

"That is a bald-faced lie. I married you because I wanted into your pants!" I protested, with a grin.

"No: That is why I married YOU." Morgan said back, same smile.

Once inside, we found Jessica, Helen and the girls sitting at the table. Cheese, crackers, and breast milk were the menu.

I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to have a look. "Want anything, Morgan?"

"Guacamole if there is any left." She requested.

"There is about a pound or two. Not much. You want to eat that off Jessica, or with chips?"

"Given that there is an impressionable little girl named Diana who thinks that is now a viable option, how about some chips?" Morgan replied

"How can you eat Guacamole off mommy?" asked Diana.

"See?" Morgan asked me.

Jessica told her. "Well, my little love, it's like when you get some cheese dip on your finger. What do you do?"

"I lick it off. Are you gonna stick your fingers in the Guacamole, mommy?" Diana asked.

"No, honey. Your daddy is being silly. You know how silly your Daddy is." Jessica gave me a look that said more adult uses of Guacamole are in the near future. "So silly. So, so silly."

It sounded like "So soon. So very, very soon."

"I should make some more guac" I said, message received.

"Oh. You should. You really should. The 'green sheets' recipe." Jessica assured me.

Morgan raised a hand, then pointed at herself. She is in too. Helen looked up.

"What? This milk needs to get made somehow you know. Fuel." Helen said.

"Does Rachel like Guac?" I asked, looked towards the stairs. She is upstairs working in my office. I ceded it to being her office, and my office is now off-campus, at Morgan's agency.

"Served in that fashion. I should think so." Helen told me. "If not, Jessica always has a supply of whipped cream in stock."

Diana looked interested in that. "Is Guacamole and Whipped cream good, Mommy?"

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