RV Parade

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Danny popped out of his rental RV and wore a huge grin on his face. It was parked out in the gravel area since the rental is not a resident and has no shed. The other two RV's were in the process of being laid in. Mom and Dad on theirs, Morgan and Jessica on ours.

"You know what dude? I like these things. Lori and I may have to get one!" Danny said.

"Be fun if you did. Then you can come on family trips and not stay in a nearby hotel." I told him "Hey. Step back into the Class C for a sec, would you?"

"OK?" Danny complied.

Once inside and the door shut I told them: "I wanted to tell you two our news, but you have to keep this a secret so WE can tell people. Here is why. We found out last night, after this shit was all over, that somehow, someway, and we do NOT understand it, Morgan is pregnant. Just happened. Out of the blue. Not planned. Very happy."

"Oh man!!! That is awesome!" Danny came in for a bear hug.

"You know what causes that, right?" Lori commented.

I went to her for a hug too and said: "If that was the only thing, then you would be swimming in kids, Lori."

"Well. OK. You are correct." Lori admitted

"So. Mums the word. We are going to gather the grandparents outside as soon as the RV's are docked, and Morgan is going to do the big reveal. I just had to tell you first." I grinned.

"That is just so cool." Danny enthused.

"Is this it? Three? You done?" Lori asked.

"For this century I suppose. One caveat: Morgan did not follow protocol. We are going to have to figure out how she did this."

"You were there." Lori said, amusing herself.

"Yes, Yes. But she did not drink my blood. How did she fertilize the egg?"

"You keep saying that. You were there. Sure, the membrane of the egg is supposed to be impermeable in you Vamps, until the right biochemical signals are sent tell the egg to open it's loving arms. Her eggs were ready for your contribution. Done deal."

"Yes, and that might be a forever thing. Unless we want amber waving fields of kids, we are going to have to pay attention to ovulation. Like a human." I said. I am not complaining. Yet.

"Jessica will figure it out." Lori said with complete confidence.

We three went to the open area in front of the RV storage where Rachel was watching proceedings, and waited for docking to be done. The RV's to be leveled and hooked up to shore facilities.

Marvin and Skye also waited with us, since they are not RV'ers and have not the first idea of how to do all the things that the RV team is doing. Each held a girl. I imagine their feet rarely touched the ground with four grandparents in an RV park.

Eventually, Jessica, Morgan, Mom, and Dad came over to where we are standing. Jessica and Morgan casting critical eyes on their alignment.

"Shall we go in?" Marvin asked.

"Just a second, Dad. Need to tell you something." Morgan said. She read his expression. "Good thing. Not bad thing."

Marvin looked relieved.

"Originally Dad, years ago, I was going to choose whether or not to have a child based on whether or not you were going to try to and succeed in coming over. The difference between Vampire lifespan and human. As a Vampire, we had time. If you were going to stay human, I was going to have a baby in order that you would have a grandchild. The father was preselected and I would deal with how that would all work when the time came. In my mind, I was a single mother, even though I knew in my mind and heart that Adrian would never let me be alone or raise the child by myself. That is not who he is."

"Quite." My dad said. "Exactly who he is."

Morgan gave my dad a loving look. "Then, Diana came into my life. Diana has always been my daughter. You had a Diana grandchild you did not know about. I asked to be brought into the marriage, and they agreed and married me so fast it made my head spin."

"And your clothes to drop." Jessica added.

"Yes, dear. You helped." Morgan said to her. She would not be distracted. "Rachel was born, and you had another grandchild and you still were not in on anything about Mom, my family, what I had become: Any of it. I decided we had to tell you about us. Vampires and everything. I also decided to wait to get pregnant myself, until Rachel was a little older. You now knew about my two little darlings in your arms there, so there was no rush. However, it seems my peculiar Vampire biology had other plans. I am pregnant, right now."

Skye said to Morgan as she opened up her arms to her daughter "I can't believe it! You know Morgan, I did not agree with anything you were doing. I was so wrong. You have the weirdest, highest stress life I have ever seen in a Vampire. But you are surrounded by love, and you have babies, and you are doing things the rest of us only dream about." Skye looked at Marvin. "You have to try to come over. You have to be here with our family!"

Marvin took Morgan in his arms and kissed her hair. "Morgan. You have been my pride and joy for so long. Since I got here to this house, I have had everything I ever believed about this world turned on its head, and every time a new revelation turns into more and more joy. My wife. My granddaughters. My in-laws. Your wonderful wonderful family. Now, this! You are trying to kill me with happiness. Skye is right. I can retire now if I like. I have not actually needed to work for many years. I can disappear from the corporate world, and be here, and try to become one of the rarest of the rare."

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