Chapter one: Idiots with numbers/ past memories

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"Shiro?," A young woman said to her friend as they sat together on the bench under a blooming tree, "We will always be best friends, right?"
She held her hand up with her pinky out, her little finger was caught by a larger one as the young man with her gave her a grin.
"Yeah. We will.," he replied, "I will always be your friend, no matter where we go or what we do."
"I'm glad Shiro.," the young woman said with her cheeks turning slightly pink, "That makes me happy."
"You make me happy Yuki.," Shiro replied, "Even if your hands are cold because of your ability."

"We will be best friends forever, Yuki. I swear."


A dark office was only Illuminated by a small desk lamp as the owner of the office filled out the paperwork in front of her. It was late into the night and the moonlight filtered gently into the room through the window. The peace of the night was broken by the alarm. There was an escape in progress.The therapist sighed and listened to the sound of boots running by her office as she signed the last paper before placing them into the folder. The papers could be given to the supervisor in the morning, but the therapist needed sleep now. (Y/n) got up and put on the special jacket and mask that were made for her. She left the papers in her office and locked the door as she walked away.

Although locking it made no difference because of one of the inmates, she still felt secure from doing so. She turned and saw that very same inmate and his cell mates running towards her.
"Evening Yukino!"
"Hi Yukino!"
"See you tomorrow Yukino!"
Each greeted her as he ran past. She only waved at them as they ran past. Cell 13 of building 13 was known for their escape habits.
Number 15, Jyugo.
Number 11, Uno.
Number 69, Rock.
And number 25, Nico.
They kept running to try to escape yet again.

'Supervisor Sugoroku will not like this.', (y/n) thought to herself and kept walking to her room that was so kindly provided to her by the prison.
It was just a small dorm that happened to be in the main building of the prison. She was so tired when she finally got there, the young woman took off her mask and jacket along with the other mechanical devices designed to keep her body at an even 68°f as she would get sick if it was any higher. The warden knew of this and the other anomalies that came with it, so (y/n) was given this scary uniform that hid most of her features. Even the features that showed she was a female so the inmates think she is just another male guard. The female stretched and flopped onto her bed after preparing for tomorrow. Sleep came easy to her and she was out as soon as she hit the mattress.

Her eyes opened when the sun shined through the blinds. She looked at the clock and saw that she still had some time before she needed to go in, so she got ready and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Of course the other guards and Mitsuru were already there.
"GOOD MORNING YUKINO!," Mitsuru said with enormous enthusiasm as he threw his arm over her shoulders, "How'd you sleep last night gurl?"
(Y/n) gave him a thumbs up as her mask muffled her voice.
"That's good, we were on out way to the Warden's office.," the enthusiastic man said, "Stop by and say hi, I'm sure she'd like a report from you."
The young lady took his arm from around her and nudged the loud male's gut, "You should get to work Mitsuru."

The loud man only laughed and walked off with his usual swagger. (Y/n) took the breakfast item she purchased with her to building 13 so she could eat it quickly in her office before she had a patient come to her. She was greeted by Jyugo napping on her couch when she opened her door, he had Kuu sleeping on him as well. The young woman only sighed as she took the throw blanket off of the couch and placed it on the convict. He seemed to already be in the REM stage so (y/n) decided to leave him like that.
The young lady sat down at her desk and let out a sigh that made her mask's respirator hiss.
Jyugo groaned and sat up afterwards, "oh, hey Yukino."

The therapist looked up at Jyugo and tilted her head. He looked back at her, "Oh. I knew you were here because the room got colder."
(Y/n) nodded and pointed at him.
"Why am I out? Well... Uno grinds his teeth, Rock snores and Nico laughs in his sleep.," the Raven haired Japanese male answered and patted the cat on his lap, "Hajime should be here soon to get me back."
As soon as Jyugo said that, the supervisor entered the room. The bald man looked around the room and found what he was searching for and grabbed the escaped inmate.
"Oh, good morning Yukino.," the intimidating man greeted the young woman.
She held out the papers she filled out the night before to him, he took them and looked at them.
"Do you have any patients today?," Hajime asked.

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