Family Ties

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Word Count: 1475

Pairings: Platonic Lucifer x Daughter Reader

Warnings: fluff, and a tiny bit of against, but mostly fluff

A/N: Request from Anonymous, and a big thanks to TheRealSpaghettiKing for helping me brainstorm!😊

Summary: You were his pride and joy, he'd often tell you that you were his salvation, swearing you're all the family he'd need. However, holding your little daughter in his arms, he begins to think he may have room for just one more.


Your hair clung to your face, damp from the sweat that had been gathering on your skin. You were so tired and your limbs felt heavy, but you didn't care about any of that right now, to focused on the tiny baby laying against your chest. A hand lightly moved your hair from your eyes and you turned your head to stare at the man beside you.

"Isn't she beautiful." You muttered returning your gaze to your daughter.

Lucifer smiled at your joyful expression as you stared at the baby.

"She is, have you picked a name yet?" He inquired.

You nodded, fixing the little hat on her head.


The nurse standing by your bed, gently took her from your arms, and Lucifer grabbed your hand when he saw your concern.

"They're just giving her a quick check up my dear, they'll bring her back." He chuckled.

That did very little to ease your concern, but you nodded anyway.

"Alright now can we get Dad's full name for the birth certificate?" Another nurse asked, looking a Lucifer expectantly.

"I'm the grandfather." Lucifer told her with a tight smile.

The nurse tripped over her words, stuttering out an apology, before giving you a quick glance.

"The father isn't in the picture." You told her.

She nodded, hurrying from the room looking relieved to get away from the embarrassing situation she had just gotten herself into. You nudged Lucifer a little, giving him a teasing smile.

"Come on old man, I'm sure you scored some points with the nurse."

He scoffed when you called him old man and stood.

"I'll go get you some edible food, I won't have you eat this hospital swill."

You laughed as he left the room mumbling under his breath about being called old.


When you were finally released from the hospital you had intended on going home. In fact, you spent the majority of the car ride arguing with your father over the matter. He insisted that you stay with him, at least for a few weeks. Of course that was a losing argument, which is why you now stood in his penthouse.

"Just a few weeks." You said sternly.

"Right, of course, but if you'd like to stay longer than-"

"Dad." You gave him a pointed look but smiled nevertheless.

In all honesty you couldn't have been more thankful, while your ex didn't seem to want anything to do with you or Annamarie, Lucifer made it clear he did. He went out of his way to assure you that he very much wanted to be a part of his granddaughter's life. You sat the car seat down carefully but let the diaper bag on your shoulder drop to the ground with a dull thud. Despite your best efforts a tired sigh still slipped out and Lucifer looked over at you.

Lucifer Morningstar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now