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"Babe why are u acting like this again?!" Patrick yelled trying not to be mean.

"Like what?! I'm fine!" I yelled back being moody again for the 100th time this week.

"For the past 5 weeks u have been like this. U keep yelling out of no wear, u won't eat anything besides a few things, u have some crazy ass mood swings. What is going on?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said and he sighed.

"I'm just gonna leave u alone, I love u." He said and walked out the room. There's nothing wrong I'm just not having it.

-Patrick's P.O.V-

"Hey mom." I said on the other line of the phone with my mom. I went outside so I can call her. There's something wrong with Olivia and I don't know what it is.

"Hey baby! What's going on?" She said happy to hear from me.

"A lot actually." I said and my voice went down.

"What's wrong baby?" She said sounding worried.

"It's Olivia. She is having these crazy mood swings. She is only eating a few things. Then she gets mad at everything. I don't know what's wrong." I said saying it all.

"How long has this been going on?" She asked and I thought for a second.

"Like 5 weeks." I said.

"Patrick this is none of my business but when was the last time u...Uhm did it..." she said and I got freaked out.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Patrick just answer my question." She said sounding seriously.

"Like 6 weeks ago. She is to mean to do it now." I said still freaked out.

"Patrick I think she is pregnant." No. She can't be. I-I used protection. This can't.

"No mom. She's not." I said getting shaky.

"Patrick clam down, u need to tell her about this. It's all u can do. Tell her to take a pregnancy test and to see a doctor." She said then we hung up. I walked up the stairs shaking.

"Hey can I come in?" I said on the other side of the door.

"Of corse baby!!" She said happy. These mood swings. At lest she is happy.

"Babe I have to talk to u." I said and she sat on the bed. "So I talked to my mom and stuff. I asked her what's going on with u...mood swings, not eating things." I said getting scared.

"What?" She said.

"Babe my mom thinks your pregnant." I said kinda scared of her right now.

But she didn't say anything...

She just started crying...

I pulled her to my chest.

"Babe why are u crying?" I asked and she sniffed.

-Olivia's     P.O.V-

"Just stay here." I said getting up off of him. I walked to the bathroom. Went into the spot I was hiding it in. The pregnancy test I took a few days ago saying I am pregnant. Then the other 4 I took that also said I was. I walked out to him and held it behind my back. "Close your eyes." I said and he did. "Put your hand out." He did again. "Now whatever I'm about to tell u I need u to know that I love u more than anything. And please don't be mad at me." I said and put them in his hand. "Open." I said and he looked down.

"Y-your preg-net." He said cutting up his words. I nodded and started to cry again. "How long have u known?" He said lightly.

"2 weeks...

"AND U NEVER WERE PLANNING ON TELLING ME?!" He yelled so loud he sacred me. I stepped back.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know how to tell u!" I said and started shaking.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to yell." He said and pulled me to his lap. "I just need u to tell me things."

"I will." I said and he put his lips onto mine.

"I love u and this more than anything." He said putting his hand on my stomach.

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