Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The front door closed with a soft click as the automatic locking system clicked in. She dumped her backpack full of her school books and other bits and pieces just beside the banister in the hallway and walked into the kitchen. Opening and closing the cupboards she looked for something to eat, it was her night to cook. When the three of them were together, they took it in turns to cook a family dinner. She didn't particularly mind cooking, but she didn't love it either, she preferred baking, and they couldn't have cake for dinner.

Her dad walked in and took off his jacket and shirt, but he kept his white undershirt on. Her mum did the same and the pair stood lost in the kitchen in black trousers and their vests.

"What are you thinking of cooking sweetie? Or is it just a throw it together job?" Her mum spoke quickly, she never could talk slowly.

"Honestly, I'm thinking if cake is an acceptable meal of the day."

"I don't think I could handle cake for dinner, lunch maybe." Her dad laughed.

"How about bolognese, no mushrooms. Just like you used to cook it?"

"Sounds perfect. Did you know that's the first proper meal I took your mum out for?"

"No, I didn't and what do you mean proper meal?"

"The first one was a burger from a burger van, it was after our second job together." Brooke's mum yelled from the living room.

"Romantic." Brooke laughed.

"Hey, she was hungry, I was hungry, we saw a burger van."

"I had to pay, he forgot his wallet."

"I can't remember everything."

Her mum walked out of the living room and threw her vest and trousers into the washing machine, replacing them with a large t-shirt with NASA on it and a pair of pj shorts. She smiled and placed her arms around Brooke's dad's neck.

Brook's dad was a tall, well built guy with dark brown skin and Brooke's mum was a tall, but still shorter than him, well built woman with fair skin. Both of them being in the force meant they were both really fit and strong, and they were quite the pair, romantically and within the job.

"And that's the day I fell for you."

They kissed, Brooke turned away and sorted the ingredients for dinner. There's something either really cute or really cringy about watching your parents kiss. She started making dinner and the smells soon filled the house. Her parents were watching a film in the living room but her dad soon drifted back into the kitchen.

"That smells amazing."

"Hands off until it's done."

"But just a little bit. Mmm."

Brooke laughed and slapped his hand gently. And pointed for him to leave the kitchen.

"You're just like your mum in the kitchen, never let's me try anything, it's always, that's too hot, you can't eat that yet."

"Vince, you better not be winding her up out there."

Her dad pulled an offended face and pointed to himself sarcastically. "Me? Nooo."

Her mum called her dad back and he left sulking back into the living room. With dinner finally done, she dished it up and served it at the table. The family sat down together and ate and chatted. After dinner they cleared up and she drifted off to her room.

She swapped her clothes for some comfy shorts and a shirt and sat on her computer. Homework first, then games, she reminded herself.

She worked quickly through maths problems, through science and a little bit of languages. She never had much homework, just a little to make sure she understood. Her tutors were pretty clear on the fact that she had to do it alone so they knew the whereabouts she was with the topics. An hour later she was done, she had started a lot of it in her free time at the station.

She opened up her games and set into playing. The sunset created a beautiful shadow show on her wall, illuminating her room in oranges and yellows and soon the light would fade altogether.

She got up and closed her curtains, turned on the lights and switched off her computer. She planned on having an early night. Quick shower then bed.

She placed her hair under a shower cap, she didn't need to wash it. She just wanted to relax her muscles a bit before bed. The water was warm and calmed her, washing away the excitement of the day. She spent most of her time mustering up the courage to leave the warmth. Although it was spring, the heat hadn't quite come with it and it still felt much like winter. She jumped out of the shower and dried herself quickly before placing on some PJs

She sat on the edge of her bed and combed through her hair with a wide tooth comb. She placed her comb on the bedside table and slipped in between the warm sheets and drifted off into a comfortable sleep.

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