Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was the last lesson of the day. Sam had to quickly nip to the toilet and Brooke was waiting outside the door for him to come out.

"If it isn't new girl, stalking guys outside the toilets."

Brooke ignored her.

"Hey new girl, got a crush?"

Brooke didn't even acknowledge that Morgan was there. She continued staring at the wall in front of her.

Morgan started moving closer, and Brooke spotted her other friends hanging around in the background. The hallway was still full of students going to and from classrooms.

"Nice bag new girl. Couldn't you afford a decent one, or did your mummy pick it out for you?"

Brooke looked Morgan straight in the eyes, keeping her facial expressions hidden. Morgan smiled and changed the side on which she held her handbag, as if to show it off.

"Maybe you should tell mummy that you're not a kid anymore." She sniggered. "I overheard someone talking about you. Apparently you were home schooled, is that because you're stupid?"

Brooke wished Sam would hurry up, not only was Morgan really starting to annoy her, but the bell for the next period would ring out. She might get away with being a few minutes late, but she wasn't sure how late they could both get away with.

One of the other girls walked towards Morgan and whispered something in her ear. Morgan's face lit up like she was being told a celeb's deepest darkest secret.

"Oh new girl, I've just been told that mummy couldn't have bought you that bag because mummy and daddy died. But they are relieved to be away from you."

Brooke knew Morgan was trying to get a reaction and she should of ignored it. But in that moment all Brooke could see was red.

She stepped towards Morgan.

"Is your need to act out because you constantly need to be the centre of attention. Is it some complex issue with not getting enough attention during childhood? The way you reacted at lunch when I said no to you, was that of a spoilt brat. So I'm going to guess that mummy and daddy spoilt you while you were growing up, and started giving in to you when you threw a tantrum. So now they give you what you want just to shut you up. So I feel like actually, your parents are relieved when you are at school so they don't have to deal with a huge bitch like you."

She stood directly in front of Morgan. Brooke was slightly taller than her, even with Morgan wearing slight heels.

"What did you call me?"

"Which part? The spoilt brat or the huge bitch?" Brooke repeated.

Brooke should have caught it, should have spotted the hand moving. But it wasn't until the sting hit her face and the noise hit her ears that she realized Morgan had slapped her. Someone in the hall turned to face them and yelled out.

Brooke looked at Morgan, trying to reason with herself. She promised to stay out of trouble. But what happens if trouble finds her?

Morgan pushed Brooke against a wall.

"Listen here new girl. You need to learn your place."

Morgan grabbed Brooke by the hair and dragged her into the boys toilets. Sam was washing his hands when he saw Morgan enter.

"Hey Morgan! Let her go!"

But Morgan didn't listen. Instead she shoved Brookes head into the soapy sink and turned on the hot water. Brooke tried to push back, but there was nothing to grip on. Sam ran forwards and pushed Morgan into the side of a cubical and ran over to help Brooke.

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